Follow the instructions provided with the CodeWarrior package to set up the environment and attach the host (for example,
USB or Ethernet)
To attach the CodeWarrior TAP to the LS1043ARDB, follow the steps below:
1. Install the 10-pin micro adapter provided with the CodeWarrior TAP (CWH-CTP-CTX10-YE).
2. Connect the 10-wire cable as shown in the figure below (both ends are keyed and can be installed on either side).
JTAG header
10-pin adapter
Figure 18. CodeWarrior installation
3. Install the free end of the cable to J16 on the LS1043ARDB.
The connector is keyed to prevent reversal. When properly aligned, the red stripe
will be nearest to the board edge.
The CodeWarrior TAP is now ready to be used. Follow the instructions provided with the CodeWarrior package to
complete the IDE setup.
12 LS1043ARDB operating configurations
The table below shows the default LS1043ARDB operating voltages.
Table 10. LS1043ARDB operating voltages
Supply voltages
Voltage value
Supply voltages (core/platform/DDR) for PLLs
1.8 V
Table continues on the next page...
LS1043ARDB operating configurations
QorIQ LS1043A Reference Design Board Quick Start, Rev. 1, 11/2015
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.