4.2.1 dBUG ROM Monitor Power-up
When you start up your ColdFire LITE Development Kit in Tera Term, the dBUG ROM Monitor
will appear. The dBUG ROM Monitor is programmed into the Fire Engine’s boot Flash device.
Accessing dBUG
Interface to dBUG via a terminal emulation program connected via a null-modem serial cable to
the “Terminal” port of Fire Engine (Serial Port 0, top on the baseboard). Use the following default
terminal settings: 19200 baud, 8-data-bits, 1-stop-bit, no-parity, and no-flow-control.
1 Start a terminal program on the host computer (i.e. Tera Term, HyperTerminal, etc.).
Connect a serial cable to the host computer and to the Serial Port on the CDK.
3 Apply power to the Fire Engine.
4 In the terminal program you should now see a dBUG screen presenting text similar to this:
External Reset
ColdFire MCF548X on the M5485EVB
Firmware v3b.1a.1a (Built on Jul 13 2004 13:22:36)
Copyright 1995-2004 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Check ColdFire website for dBUG updates
Enter 'help' for help.
Note: If the dBUG Monitor screen does not appear, please check Tera Term serial settings, all
cable connections, board connections, and press system reset.
5 Logic recommends that you immediately increase the baud rate for faster downloads and for
ease of interfacing to LogicLoader. To do so, enter the command ‘set baud 115200’ at the
dBUG prompt. Next, adjust the baud rate on your terminal emulation program to 115200.
Then press System Reset and you should see the startup screen that you saw in step 4.
Since the dBUG monitor program stores its settings in flash, the higher baud rate setting will
remain in effect until the next time it is changed.
4.2.2 LogicLoader (bootloader/monitor) Power-up
The Fire Engine is shipped with a version of the LogicLoader (bootloader/monitor) programmed
into the Boot Flash device at an offset of 0x40000.
Accessing LogicLoader
Interface to LogicLoader via a terminal emulation program connected via a null-modem serial
cable to the “Terminal” port of Fire Engine (Serial Port on the CDK). If you did not change the
baud rate, as suggested in step 5 of the previous section, use the following default terminal
settings: 19200 baud, 8-data-bits, 1-stop-bit, no-parity, and no-flow-control.
Start a terminal program on the host computer (i.e. Tera Term, HyperTerminal, etc.).
Connect a serial cable to the host computer and to the Serial Port on the CDK.
Apply power to the Fire Engine. By default dBUG will appear.
If you have not already done so, change the baud rate of dBUG to 115200 by following
the steps outlined in Section 4.2.1, Step 5 (above).
At the dBUG prompt enter the command ‘go ff840000’. Press Enter.
Zoom ColdFire Lite QuickStart Guide