ADS-B FDL-DB Dual Band Series
Installation Manual
Document No. 88552 Rev A
FFS Copyright © 2020 All rights reserved.
The FDL-DB Series provides FIS-B information that can be used as an aid for
situational awareness only. FIS-B information provided must be used for advisory
use only and should not be used for flight safety critical information and operation.
The user is advised to exercise caution and let common sense prevail when
confronted with severe weather conditions.
The FDL-DB Series provides traffic information that can be used as an aid for
situational awareness only. Pilots must rely on ATC guidance or visual rules for
visual acquiring traffic and maneuvering their aircraft in traffic.
The FDL-DB Series provides weather information that can be used as an aid for
situational awareness only. Weather information provided must be used for
advisory use only and should not be used for flight safety critical information and
operation. The user is advised to exercise caution and let common sense prevail
when confronted with severe weather conditions.