Freecom ToughDrive
General Information
The following hardware and software requirements must be fulfilled to ensure
trouble-free operation.
Hardware Requirements
In order to use the Freecom ToughDrive, following components are needed:
• Intel Pentium III / AMD Duron 700 MHz or higher
• 128 MB RAM or higher
• CD-ROM drive for installing drivers and/or software
• Available USB 2.0 or USB 1.1 port*
• Internet connection for online warranty registration and driver/software
updates and downloads
Software Requirements
• Windows 98 SE
• Windows ME
• Windows 2000
• Windows XP
• iMac, iBook, Mac G3 or Power Book G3 with USB interface
• Operating system: Mac OS X v10.1 or higher
* USB 2.0 is downwards compatible to USB 1.1. To achieve optimal performance from the Freecom
ToughDrive your PC should be equipped with an USB 2.0 port. USB 2.0 PCI Host Controllers are
separately available at www.freecom.com.