FR500A&FR510A Series Vector Control Inverter
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When the motor is locked in the orientation position, such as changing the setting value of the
current orientation position, or switching the orientation position by selecting the terminal through the
orientation position, the motor rotates to the new position in the reverse direction.
Ten’s place: Do orientation or not when stop inverter
If this bit is set to 1, orientation action will be executed when the inverter stops.
If this bit is set to 0, orientation action will not be performed when the inverter stops.
Spindle orientation
When F21.00 is chosen as 3, if the frequency converter receives ON signal of the switch input
"directional enabling" terminal, the motor will first run to the speed set by F21.10, and then rotate to
find Z signal. After finding Z signal, the motor will immediately stop according to the directional
deceleration time set by F21.11. The higher the directional velocity is, the faster the process of finding
Z signal is. But in the case of starting the orientation from the stop state, the motor needs to speed up
to this speed before decelerating the stop. Therefore, too much orientation speed setting will slow
down the whole orientation process. Please set it reasonably according to the practical application.
Spindle orientation
deceleration time
In the course of orientation, after the motor runs to the orientation speed and has found the Z
signal, it reduces the speed and stops at the set position according to the deceleration time. This time
is the time to decelerate from the maximum frequency to zero. The smaller the setting, the faster the
orientation process, but too small may cause oscillation and overshoot. In order to achieve rapid
orientation effect, please cooperate with F21.10 spindle orientation speed reasonable setting.
Orientation position
confirmation time
When switching orientation position by digital terminals input “ Orientation position selection
terminal1 ~ 2”, the state changes of the two terminals may not be synchronous, thus stopping the
motor in the undesirable position. When the duration of the combined state of the two position
selection terminals reaches the set value of F21.12, the frequency converter responds to the action. A
slightly larger setting of this value is beneficial to the reliability of the position switching action, but it will
slow down the action response.
This confirmation time is invalid when the orientation position is switched by changing the set
value of function code F21.05-F21.08.
Fig.6-30 Orientation position confirmation