Doc Q7.0
Global Blocks
Global Blocks
feature is completely new and exclusive to the Axe-Fx II. Those familiar with
Global Amps
previous Axe-Fx products will find this system greatly expanded and improved. Those new to the Axe-Fx will
appreciate how Global Blocks enable central control of blocks shared across multiple presets.
With this feature, “links” keep designated blocks in your presets synchronized to their global “masters,” which are
stored in a separate and independent memory area of the Axe-Fx II. Changes saved to a Global Block cause linked
blocks to update when the presets that contain them are recalled. Links to Global Blocks remain in place until you
manually remove them—even if you make and save other changes to the block or the preset!
This enables you to create a favorite sound setting and use it to create one or more global blocks. When you load
these into multiple presets, each with other different effects, mix levels, routing—whatever suits your needs—they
are automatically “linked” back to the original global entries. Now, as favorite (global) sound settings evolve (as we
all know these things tend to do…) you no longer need to update all of the individual presets that rely on them.
You just save your tweaks into the Global Blocks, and the latest and greatest settings are automatically applied to
linked blocks as normal presets are recalled.
Any block instance (except Tone Match, but including the Input/Noise Gate) can link to a global block, with 10
global memories for each of them. Should you choose to REMOVE a link between a block and its global
counterpart, this leaves both the normal and the global blocks fully intact and able to be edited independently of
one another again.
Using Global Blocks
Global Blocks
feature includes 10 global memories for each and every instance of every type of block (except
Tone Matching). There are 10 global “Amp 1” memories, 10 global “Amp 2” memories, 10 for Cab 1, Cab 2, Cho 1,
Cho 2 …right down the line to “Wahwah 2.”
One important thing to note is that you can only
save to
load from
, or
link with
the Global Block that precisely
corresponds to the numbered block
you are using in a preset. So for example, global “Cabinet 1”
may only be used with the “Cabinet 1” blocks in your presets and not with “Cabinet 2” blocks.