December 2008
© 2008 Foundry Networks, Inc.
Chapter 5
Managing the NetIron MLX Series
Chassis and Modules
This chapter contains information about refining the configuration of, monitoring, and managing the following
NetIron MLX Series hardware components:
NetIron MLX Series chassis
Cooling system (fans)
Interface modules
Switch fabric module
This chapter also provides information about the following tasks:
Enabling and disabling management module CPU usage calculations
Displaying management module CPU usage
Enabling and disabling packet logging for management and interface modules
Removing MAC address entries
Managing the NetIron MLX Series Chassis
You can perform the following management tasks for the NetIron MLX Series chassis:
Display chassis status and temperatures of all hardware components
Display the Syslog configuration and static and dynamic buffers
Displaying Chassis Status and Temperature Readings
You can display the following information related to the NetIron MLX Series chassis:
Slot power-on priority
Status of the fans
Temperature readings of the management, switch fabric, interface, and fan control modules and the interval at
which the system reads the temperature of these modules
MAC address of the NetIron MLX Series chassis