24-bit analog to digital converter
The model AC2496 is the 24-bit analog to digital converter to convert 8 analog inputs to
ADAT or S/P DIF. It can add 8 more analog inputs to D1624 or 16 more to D2424 (with
optional model 8355 8ch A/D card) via ADAT that enables 16 tr or 24 tr simultaneous
recording respectively, most effective for live recording with Fostex D-series. Via S/P DIF, 2
analog inputs can be converted and sent on 24-bit/96kHz format. It is one of the most cost
effective units among the analog to digital converters in the market.
It is also useful for the customers who have PC based digital recorder to record analog
sources converted into ADAT by AC2496. Besides the standard ADAT output, 8 analog can
be converted into 24 bit/96kHz format and output via AES/EBU with model 5045 8ch
AES/EBU card.
Currently not so many soundcard support 8 tr simultaneous recording on 24 bit/96kHz format
but it should be the future professional standard. AC2496 is ready for it with 5045. Both
optional cards can be installed by end user.
Other features are as follows.
The high quality A/D converters AK5393 (24-bit, 128 times oversampling, delta-sigma
modulation complying to up to 108kHz sampling frequency) by AKM which are also
used for
D2424 are applied.
Unbalanced/balance inputs are selectable (-10dBV/+4dBu). Input reference levels are
also selectable (-12dB, -18dB, -20dB).
4 digital formats: 24bit/44.1kHz, 24bit/48kHz, 24bit/88.2kHz (S/P DIF),
24bit/96kHz (S/PDIF).
Word In/Out to secure sync on ADAT.