Operation Maintenance Manual
Solid Body Elevator
PN 691250-Z-BC-D - Revision: 04 11-2015
Potential Misuse
This OMM contains information and warnings on
procedures that address hazardous conditions and could
cause personal injury but cannot reflect all fashions
in which hazardous consequences may occur due
to service and/or operation. All personnel using the
Solid Body Elevator or service procedures contained within
this OMM must be completely satisfied that personal and/
or Solid Body Elevator safety will not be compromised.
Common methods of MISUSE include but are not
limited to:
1. Use without ALL warning and identification labels
present. This can cause operating personnel to
misunderstand the areas of the Solid Body Elevator
that can cause serious injury.
2. Use with insufficient and/or worn assemblies and
parts. This can cause failure causing a suspended
hazard which can result in serious injury or death.
3. Use of the Solid Body Elevator in methods not
intended. The Solid Body Elevator should be used
ONLY in the methods described in this OMM.
Warranty and Liability
The technical information, data and instructions for
operation contained in this OMM correspond to the status
at the time of print and are provided according to the
best of our knowledge in consideration of our previous
experience and know-how.
We reserve all rights to make technical modifications
within the scope of technical development of the
Solid Body Elevator treated in this OMM. Claims or
entitlements cannot be deduced or derived from
information, illustrations and /or descriptions in this OMM.
FORUM Handling Tools is liable for all warranty obligations
made within the scope of the contract for any faults or
omissions on our part, excluding further claims. Claims
for damages suffered are excluded regardless of the legal
Translations are complete according to best knowledge.
We cannot assume any liability for translation errors, even
when the translation was performed at our order.
Only the original text is binding. The original text language
for FORUM Handling Tools documents and OMM is
The descriptions and illustrations do not necessarily reflect
the scope of delivery or any parts orders. The drawings
and illustrations are not to scale.
FORUM Handling Tools general terms of purchase and
delivery apply. Purchasers recognize these conditions on
the day the contract is signed, at the latest.
The terms and duration of FORUM Handling Tools
warranty are specified in the sales documents as well as
the order confirmation. These will be submitted to the
operating company as information at the time the contract
is signed, at the latest.
The manufacturer assumes no warranty whatsoever for
damage or interruptions in operation resulting from failure
to observe the operating instructions.
The OMM is to be supplemented by the operating
company with operating instructions based on existing
national regulations on accident and environmental
protection, including information on supervisory and
reporting obligations taking into consideration operating
peculiarities, e.g. in regard to work organization.
Warranty claims/complaints within the scope of the
guarantee and liability for personal injury and property
damage are excluded, when such result from any of the
following causes:
- Any use other than intended;
- Improper installation, operation, maintenance or repair;
- Operation with defective, improperly attached or non-
operational safety and/or protective equipment;
- Failure to observe the instructions in the operating
manual regarding safe conduct;
- Impermissible structural and/or functional
- Use of replacement parts not approved by
FORUM Handling Tools;
- Normal wear or insufficient inspection of components
subject to wear;
- External effects or force majeure;
- Lubricating the Solid Body Elevator with lubricants other
than those recommended by FORUM Handling Tools.
Any structural or functional modification
to the Solid Body Elevator by the operating
company requires previous written approval
by FORUM Handling Tools. Failure to obtain
such approval voids the warranty as well as
the declaration of conformity and releases
FORUM Handling Tools from any product
liability. Following modifications or installation of
optional equipment, all safety equipment must
be reinstalled and checked by the operator for
proper function.