Section 2: Upgrading via CLI
Section 2: Upgrading via CLI
Ensure that you have read the general
section before you start an upgrade.
: You can upgrade directly to FortiDDoS 5.3.0 via CLI from any version above 4.1.5. For any version below
4.1.5, you MUST upgrade to 4.1.5 and then to 5.3.0.
To install firmware:
1. Connect your management computer to the FortiDDoS console port using an RJ-45-to-DB-9 serial cable or a null-
modem cable. Use the following terminal settings:
Speed (Baud Rate): 9600 Data Bits: 8 Stop Bits: 1 Parity: None
2. Initiate a connection to the CLI and log in as the user admin.
3. Use an Ethernet cable to connect FortiDDoS mgmt1 to the TFTP server directly, or connect it to the same subnet
as the TFTP server.
4. If necessary, start the TFTP server.
5. Enter the following command to transfer the firmware image to the FortiDDoS system:
execute restore image tftp <filename_str> <tftp_ipv4>
is the name of the firmware image file
is the IP address of the TFTP server.
For example, if the firmware image file name is
the IP address of the TFTP server is, enter:
FI900B3915000043 # execute restore image tftp FDD_200B-v5.3.0-build0204-
This operation will replace the current firmware version!
Do you want to continue? (y/n)y
Connect to tftp server ...
Please wait...
Get image from tftp server OK.
Verifying the integrity of the firmware image.
The following message appears:
This operation will replace the current firmware version!
Do you want to continue? (y/n)
6. Type y.
The system gets the image from the TFTP server, installs the firmware, and restarts. See the
for reference.
FortiDDoS 5.3.0 Release Notes
Fortinet Technologies Inc.