same time show the percentage of completion of the firmware process. The
process can be stopped by clicking on the “Stop” button. In parallel, you can
observe the progress of the firmware on the blaster screen - the first three digits
after the name of the firmware indicate the percentage of update completion.
After the end of the firmware, the kits automatically reboot in standby mode and,
when the procedure is completed correctly, and when connected to the server, are
displayed again in the ARENA program.
If some kits fail during firmware, the procedure should be repeated.
Smart Domination Box Firmware Update
You can also transfer the Domination Box to boot mode manually (turn on the device
with the system button held down) and remotely from the ARENA program. The procedure
for transferring the device to boot mode from the program is similar to the transfer of kits.
If it is necessary to update the firmware at several Domination Boxes, it is
recommended to carry out this procedure sequentially separately on each of the devices.
The procedure for updating the firmware is as follows:
After consulting with the company's technical support staff, download
the necessary files for the firmware from the
in the section "Support/ Firmware for DB
SMART" (4 files)
Launch ARENA and BootLoader programs.
Turn on the Domination Box for which you need to update the firmware.
Wait for its connection with the server and the appearance of information about it
in the ARENA program. In this case, the four middle LEDs on each of the indicator
columns of the device begin to periodically light up in different colors.
Check firmware version. If it differs from the installed one, or there is a need to
update the current one, continue the procedure.
In the ARENA program, on the “Change ID” tab of the “System Settings” window,
select the number of reprogrammable DBs from the drop-down list
Press the “Set boot mode” button.
Successful transfer of this device to boot mode will result in disconnecting it from
the ARENA program. At the Domination Box itself, all the LEDs of the indicator
columns go out, only the green power indicator lights up.
Current firmware