372001-24 Rev. A
IDDX Flame Detector Amplifier Manual
Flame Failure Response Time Delay for Modes 1
The next screen shows:
• FFRT setting being used. There are three choices available for the FFRT delay: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, and 3.8
• Press F1, “CHG” and enter 1, 2, 3, or 4 (for 3.8) to change the setting.
If only one IDD detector is connected to both channels (refer section 2.5.2 ), both channels must be set
for identical FFRT delay.
Flame Failure:
• Flame failure occurs following the FFRT delay if the detector’s signal falls and stays below its programmed
dropout point.
• Flame failure occurs immediately if the system fails a self-check. When a self-check is performed, the
PPS count must fall below the Drop Out point, (DO) which is programmed into the amplifier during setup.
• On Flame Failure, the flame and lamp outputs turn off. The alarm output is not changed. Signal acquisition
continues. Flame-on status can be re-established if the detector(s) meet the pick-up logic requirement.
The maximum FFRT allowed to meet Factory Mutual (FM) standard 7610;1997 is 4.0 seconds. If the
user enters 4, the system will display and use 3.8 seconds for the FFRT delay. This is done to keep
the response time safely less than 4 seconds under all conditions.
The maximum FFRT allowed to meet standard EN298;2012 is 1.0 Sec.
During check cycle flame relay hold on for 2 sec regardless of FFRT (flame failure response time)
If one IDD Detector is connected to both channels of a Dual Channel Amplifier, it is recommended to
set identical FFRT and Self-Check Cycle times on both channels.