Travel Link™ brings a wealth of
information into your vehicle and right to
your screen.
• Your vehicle comes with a free
introductory period for SIRIUS
radio and Travel Link™ subscription.
Obtain real time information by pressing
the i button on the system and going
to the SIRIUS
Travel Link™ tab. On this
screen, you can access:
Traffic: On route or nearby
Weather: Current/5 day/nearby weather,
ski information or weather map
Fuel pricing: Prices by grade and day
when available
Sports scores: Daily scores and schedules
• You can personalize the display of
traffic and sports information by
programming frequently used
locations and favorite teams.
Movie listings: Showtimes, ratings
and locations.
Most FrEquEntly AskED
My home address is not on the map,
is my navigation system broken?
There are several possible reasons
why you may not be able to find your
home address:
1) The map that is included with
your system contains the most
recent data available at the time
of yearly production. However,
there are situations when some
home addresses may not be in the
database yet (i.e. newly developed
neighborhoods, homes located off
dirt or country roads, etc.).
2) The road has not been physically
verified yet.
3) You are not entering the street
name correctly. It is not necessary
to enter the prefix or suffix to any
street name. For example, “East
Main Street” can simply be entered
as “Main”.
Go to www.navteq.com to report map
errors and click on Map Reporter
When the car is moving, i can’t
enter information into the system.
Why not?
A safety feature makes certain tasks
unavailable while the car is in motion.
Refer to the
Navigation Supplement
for a list of specific tasks that are
unavailable when driving.
How accurate is my sirius
real-time traffic (if subscribed)?
Traffic service (if subscribed)
primarily covers the freeways and
interstates in the most populated
metropolitan areas in the continental
United States. Traffic service delivers
the best information available from
departments of transportation, police
and emergency services, traffic
sensors, cameras and airborne
reports to your navigation system.
This includes:
• Traffic flow or the actual speed
traffic is moving along a road
segment (where available).
• Locations of unscheduled traffic
disruptions caused by such things
as accidents, disabled vehicles and
bad weather.
• Locations of scheduled traffic
disruptions such as construction
and road closures.
For a list of coverage information
visit www.sirius.com
What is the warranty on
my navigation system?
The navigation system warranty is
covered by the same warranty as the
rest of your vehicle.
refer to your navigation
supplement for more information.
trAVEl link™
nAVigAtion systEM
Bird’s eye view
– View the map from
an elevated perspective
• Display of many Points of Interest
(POI) icons
• 3D building icons for major
• Auto display of fuel station icons
on the map upon low fuel level
• Auto display of parking icons on
map upon destination arrival
touch screen
• A large touch screen makes entering
a destination easy.
route guidance
• Detailed freeway exit, turn, and ramp
transition lane guidance.
• Speed limit display on freeways
• Audible guidance includes
announcement of all street names.
navigate by using Voice recognition
Your system has an advanced interactive
voice recognition (VR) system which
allows you to perform certain tasks by
speaking commands. There is no need
to memorize system voice commands as
the system can display “read” available
commands. Voice commands are listed
in the system’s Help Menu, throughout
and can
be heard by saying “Help” during an
active voice session. The “Voice Control”
tab at the bottom of the menu screen
allows you to enter voice enhancement
mode. This mode eliminates the need to
say “USB” or “User Device” before any
media commands.
VoiCE rECognition
systEM quiCk stArt
Voice recognition user profile
You can ‘train’ the system to better
recognize your voice. Two profiles can
be created. Refer to the Voice Recognition
section for more information.
Creating a user Profile
You can create user profiles in your
voice recognition system to help train
the system to fine tune its listening to
a specific person (voice). To access:
1) Press the MENU hard button on the
navigation system.
2) Select the ‘Feedback Settings’ tab on
the touchscreen.
3) Select ‘Edit’.
4) Select ‘Create’ to create either Profile
1 or Profile 2.
5) Follow the voice prompt instructions.
Please see your Owner’s Guide for
more information.
gEt DirECtions
For EVEryDAy liFE
Map Database –
Your 40GB* hard
drive navigation system has been
preloaded with maps to help you get
where you need to go.
Since the world is always changing,
you need to keep your navigation
system up-to-date. NAVTEQ updates
its maps regularly with everything from
new subdivisions to new restaurants,
hotels and other points of interest. It
is highly recommended that map
updates be purchased annually to
ensure that you have the most
current information.
*1GB equals one billion bytes (1,000,000,000B).
Home screen Personalization –
the system home screen, you can
upload personal photos via CD,
resize and display them on the screen.
(Photo size must be less than 1.5 MB).
• Your system doesn’t just provide you
with driving directions, it acts like your
own personal concierge service!
• Looking for a restaurant?
Running low on gas?
Need an ATM?
No problem! Your system includes
millions of Points of Interest (POIs),
in over 149 different categories.
• Feel safe and secure in unfamiliar cities.
Getting directions to local police
stations and hospitals is available with
the touch of a button. When SIRIUS
Travel Link™ is enabled, your system
will also display local gas stations when
your fuel level is low.
register online to get
information, answer questions
or to purchase map updates
for your Ford, lincoln or
Mercury navigation systems.
go to
or call 1-888-nAV-MAPs.
tHE MorE tHE WorlD
CHAngEs, tHE MorE
your MAP CHAngEs.
CA5J 19G217 FA
August 2011
Second Printing
Litho In U.S.A.
A Quick
CoMMon VoiCE
CoMMAnD CAtEgoriEs
Press or VOICE on your steering wheel
and after the prompt say:
“travel link”
(if subscribed)
“user Device”
Use caution with any device or feature that may take
your attention off the road. Ford recommends against the
use of any hand-held device while driving and that you
comply with all applicable laws. Your primary concern is
the safe operation of your vehicle.