Front brakes
Inspect for cracked, worn or frayed hoses, and that all coup-
lings are secure.
Verify that there are no cracks or dents, and that the cham-
bers are securely mounted.
Brake chambers
Inspect for broken, loose or missing parts.
Slack adjusters
The angle between the push rod and adjuster arm
should be approximately 90 degrees when the brakes are
applied. When pulled by hand, the push rod should not move
more than approximately 1 in (2.5 cm).
Verify that there are no cracks, dents, holes, and no loose or
missing bolts and that the brake linings are not worn,
dangerously thin or contaminated by lubricant.
Front wheels
Inspect for damaged or bent rims. They should not have
welding repairs, and there should be no rust trails, which
indicate it is loose on the wheel.
Verify all lug nuts are present and not loose (look for rust
trails around the lug nuts). There should be no cracks radiating
from the lug bolt holes or distortion of the bolt holes.
Lug nuts
Inspect wheel hub oil seal for leaks and, if sight glass if
present, verify the oil level is adequate.
Hub oil seals
Inspect for proper lubrication level if the hubcap has a trans-
parent window. If the hubcap does not have a transparent
window, remove the rubber fill-plug and inspect for proper
Oil-lubricated front
wheel bearings
Fuel area
Verify the tank(s) and cap(s) are secure and that there are
no leaks from the tank(s).
Fuel tank(s)
Inspect for leaks from the tank(s).
F650750 (TBC), enUSA, First Printing
Vehicle Inspection Guide