Quick RefeRence Guide
Easy FuEl™ systEm
Your vehicle has a fuel system which allows you to simply open the fuel
filler door, insert the nozzle and start fueling. Wait five seconds from the time the refueling nozzle
is shut off until the nozzle is pulled back out of the fill pipe tube to allow residual fuel in the nozzle
to drain into the tank. The Easy Fuel™ System is self-sealing and therefore protected against
dust, dirt, water, snow and ice. If you need to fill your fuel tank with a portable fuel container, use
the fuel funnel which is attached to the underside of the spare tire cover or is included with the
tire changing tools. Slowly insert the funnel into the Easy Fuel™ system and fill the tank with fuel
from the container. When done, clean the funnel or properly dispose of it. Extra funnels can be
purchased from your authorized dealer.
Do not
use aftermarket funnels as they will not work with
the Easy Fuel™ system and may cause damage.
FuEl typE anD tank CapaCity
Depending on your vehicle, your fuel tank has a capacity of either
28 gallons (106L) or 33.5 gallons (126.8L). You have a
Flex Fuel
Vehicle. Flex Fuel vehicles have a
yellow ring around the top of the fuel filler inlet (tube) and can use either Regular unleaded fuel, E85
Ethanol Fuel or any mixture of the two.
tirE prEssurE
Your tire pressure is properly set at the dealership according to the recommended
specifications found on the Safety Compliance Certification Label or Tire Label located on the B-Pillar
or the edge of the driver’s door. Check your tire pressure at least once a month and before long
trips (including the spare). As an added safety feature, your vehicle has been equipped with a
tire pressure monitoring system (tpms)
that illuminates a low tire pressure warning light
one or more of your tires is significantly under-inflated. Refer to the Tires, Wheels and Loading chapter
in your Owner’s Guide for more information.
loCation oF sparE tirE
Your vehicle is equipped with a temporary spare tire located under the
vehicle, just forward of the rear bumper. The temporary spare is designed for emergency use only and
should be replaced as soon as possible. The jack and tools are located in the access panel on the
floor behind the 3rd row seat. The spare tire is not equipped with a TPMS sensor. For complete details
on how to change your tire, refer to the Roadside Emergencies chapter in your Owner’s Guide.
FuEl pump shut-oFF switCh
After a collision, if the engine cranks but does not start, the fuel
pump shut-off switch may have to be reset. The switch is located in the left rear quarter trim panel,
near the liftgate, behind an access panel. For complete details on resetting the switch, please consult
your Owner’s Guide.
sos post-Crash alErt systEm
This system provides audible and visual alarms in the event of
a crash which causes the deployment of airbags or the activation of the safety belt pretensioners.
The turn signals will flash and the horn will sound. To deactivate the system, press the hazard flasher
control, or press on your remote transmitter.
roaDsiDE assistanCE
Your new Ford Expedition comes with the assurance and support of 24-hour
emergency roadside assistance. Roadside assistance includes such services as: lockout assistance,
limited fuel delivery, battery jump starts, changing a flat tire, towing, and winch out. To receive roadside
assistance in the United States, call 1 (800) 241-3673. In Canada, call 1 (800) 665-2006.
IMPORTAnT: Before folding the second row seats, ensure that the head restraints are fully flipped
down by pulling on the strap and that all items have been removed from the floor and off the seats.
EntEring thE thirD row sEat
Fold the head restraint forward. Pull up on
the lever
(lever 1)
located on the side of
either outboard second row seat until the
seatback folds forward to the seat cushion
(pos. 2)
. Pull lever fully upward
(lever 1)
. The
seat will then flip forward
(pos. 3)
Exiting thE thirD row sEat
Fold head restraint forward. Pull up on the strap located at the back of the second
row seat by the outboard side shield
(pull strap)
. The seatback will fold forward
to the cushion
(pos. 2)
. Continue pulling up on the pull strap and the seat will flip
(pos. 3)
to return the seat to the upright position
, push the seat down
until it is latched to the floor strikers. Then, lift the seatback to the upright position
and flip the head restraint to the upright position.
FolDing thE outboarD sEatbaCks to a loaD Floor position –
(rEFEr to thE important notE abovE)
Lift the lever
(lever 1)
located on the outboard side of the seat. Pull the lever
(lever 2)
to release the seat into the kneel-down floor position. A moderate force
may be required to move the seat forward and down.
rEturning thE sEats to thE upright position From thE
Fully-lowErED Floor position
Lift and pull the seat rearward until the latch is fully engaged.
Lift up on the seatback until a click is heard, locking it into the upright position.
This will allow the seatback to be lifted to the upright locked position.
(if equipped)
To open the power liftgate (if equipped), push the button on the instrument panel
(Figure a)
, press
on your remote entry transmitter twice within 3 seconds, or
press the liftgate control button located on the inside of the liftgate handle. To close,
press and release the control located in the left rear quarter panel
(Figure b)
Keep clear of the liftgate when operating the rear switch.
To open a manual liftgate, unlock the liftgate (with the power door locks or the
remote entry transmitter button) and push the outside liftgate
control button on the handle below the license plate. To close,
make certain the liftgate window is closed, and then push the
liftgate closed until it latches securely.
To unlatch the liftgate window, push the button
(Figure C)
the liftgate located to the left of the license plate.
Do not open the liftgate or the liftgate window in a garage or
other enclosed area with a low ceiling.
to eject a
CD from a specific slot. Press
and hold to auto eject all CDs
present in the system.
Press to select
AM/FM1/FM2 frequency band.
Press to access the
previous or next strong station,
CD track, previous/next satellite
radio channel (if equipped), or
previous/additional display text
or category.
Press and hold
to hear a brief sampling of radio
stations, CD tracks or satellite
radio channels (if equipped).
Press again to stop. In CD/MP3
mode, press and release to
display track title, artist
name and disc title.
In folder mode,
press to access previous or
next folder on MP3 discs,
if available.
satEllitE raDio FEaturEs
anD Controls (if equipped)
Press repeatedly to
cycle through FES/DVD (if
equipped), SAT1, SAT2, SAT3
(satellite radio, if equipped),
LInE In (auxiliary audio mode)
or SYnC
(if equipped).
Satellite Radio is a
subscription based satellite
radio service that broadcasts
music, sports, news and
entertainment programming.
For more information and a
complete list of SIRIUS
satellite radio channels, visit
www.sirius.com in the United
States, www.sirius-canada.ca
in Canada, or call SIRIUS
tunE/DisC sElECtor
radio mode, press to go up/
down the frequency band.
In menu mode, use to select
various settings. In CD/MP3
mode, press to select a
desired disc.
Press when satellite
radio mode is active to access
the satellite radio menu. Press
MEnU appears in the display,
then press / to cycle through
additional features. For more
information, please consult
your Owner’s Guide.
sEtting thE CloCk
SELECT MInS is displayed.
Press / to adjust the
hD raDio™ (if equipped with navigation):
HD Radio™ technology is the digital evolution of analog
radio. Your system has a special receiver which allows it to receive digital broadcasts (where available)
in addition to the other broadcasts it already receives. Digital broadcasts provide a better sound
quality than analog broadcasts with free, crystal clear audio and no static or distortion. For more
information, refer to your navigation supplement or visit www.hdradio.com.
Lever 1
Pos. 2
Pos. 3
Pull Strap
Lever 2
Figure A
Figure B
Figure C
Dual automatic temperature control with heateD anD cooleD seats anD rear passenger
compartment climate control (if equipped)
Press to activate
automatic temperature control.
The system will automatically
determine fan speed, airflow
location, A/C (on or off) and
outside or recirculated air, to
heat or cool the vehicle to reach
the desired temperature. Press
again to deactivate.
hEatED anD CoolED
DrivEr anD passEngEr
sEats (if equipped)
once to activate high heat/cool
(three indicator lights), twice to
activate medium heat/cool (two
indicator lights), three times
to activate low heat/cool (one
indicator light) or press again to
turn off.
airFlow DirECtion
Press repeatedly
to cycle through all possible
air distribution modes. Refer
to your Owner’s Guide for
more information.
Press to enable
the auxiliary climate system
(if equipped). Press again
to disable.
Press to recirculate
the cabin air. Recirculated air
may reduce the amount of
time needed to cool down the
interior of the vehicle and may
also help reduce undesirable
odors from reaching the interior
of the vehicle.
outside air through the
windshield defroster and
demister vents to clear thin ice
or fog from the windshield.
rEar DEFrost
to activate and clear the rear
window and side heated
mirrors (if equipped) of thin
ice and fog. Press again
to deactivate.
rEar tEmpEraturE
Press to enable the
auxiliary climate system (if
equipped) as well as increase/
decrease the desired rear
cabin temperature.
tEmpEraturE Controls
Press to increase or decrease
the temperature on the driver
or passenger side of the
vehicle. Pressing the passenger
side control will activate dual
zone where the driver and
passenger are able to select
their own individual settings.
If the passenger side controls
are not activated, the driver
side controls will determine
the temperature setting for the
entire vehicle (single zone).
rEar Fan spEED
Press to enable
the auxiliary climate system
(if equipped) as well as to
increase/decrease the fan
speed for the rear cabin.
rEar hEatED sEats
(if equipped)
Your vehicle may
be equipped with heated rear
seats. The controls are located
on the rear of the center
console. Push the top portion
of the control for maximum
heat and the bottom portion of
the control for minimum heat.
Press again to deactivate.
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Ford Motor Company Customer Relationship Center
P.O. Box 6248 | Dearborn, MI 48121
1-800-392-3673 (FORD)
(TDD for the hearing impaired: 1-800-232-5952)
fordowner.com | www.ford.ca
BL1J 19G217 AA
July 2010
First Printing
Quick Reference Guide
Litho in U.S.A.
This Quick Reference Guide is not intended
to replace your vehicle Owner’s Guide which
contains more detailed information concerning
the features of your vehicle, as well as important
safety warnings designed to help reduce the risk
of injury to you and your occupants. Please read
your entire Owner’s Guide carefully as you begin
learning about your new vehicle and refer to the
appropriate chapters when questions arise.
All information contained in this Quick Reference
Guide was accurate at the time of duplication. We
reserve the right to change features, operation
and/or functionality of any vehicle specification
at any time. Your Ford dealer is the best source
for the most current information. For detailed
operating and safety information, please consult
your Owner’s Guide.
premium am/Fm stereo in-Dash mp3 satellite compatiBle sounD system (if equipped)