2. Remote start the vehicle using a remote start fob.
3. Follow Steps 1-4 in the
Create a MyKey™
For all vehicles, the number of MYKEY(S) PROGRAMMED or
ADMIN KEYS PROGRAMMED that is displayed in the MyKey™ system
status menus will include the remote start system as an additional key in
the total count. See the
Check MyKey™ system status
For all vehicles with remote start installed, it is possible to
program all original vehicle keys as MyKeys™, in which case, you will
need to use your remote start system to reset all MyKeys™ as admin
keys by doing the following:
1. Enter the vehicle, close all doors.
2. Remote start the vehicle using your remote start fob.
3. Follow Steps 1-4 in the
Clear MyKey™
Locks and Security
2011 Mariner
Owners Guide, 2nd Printing