Conventional loudspeaker systems are made up of a powerful loudspeaker or a set of them. A loudspeaker
behaves as a precise sound source with 6 dB attenuation each time the distance from the source is doubled.
Furthermore, a set of loudspeakers positioned vertically are not optimized so that the audio from each louds-
peaker adds to the rest, producing a directivity pattern with lobes due to the audio cancellation being pro-
Line array audio systems have been designed to obtain maximum performance and uniform audio in the
audience zone.
The system loudspeakers are positioned in the line array to achieve consistant audio from what is transmitted
by each, one altogether. In this way, the line array loudspeakers all together behave as a lineal audio source.
In this case, each time that the distance is doubled the audio attenuation is 3 dB. It also achieves a narrowing
of the vertical coverage angle, an increase in directivity and therefore, higher and more uniform audio levels
distributed through the audience area.
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