Control 2802 Logic Pro Automation & Control Surface Manual
Network Connections & Setup (Mac)
Network Connections & Setup (Mac)
DAW Ethernet Connection (Mac)
Use the rear panel NETWORK port to connect Control 2802
to your studio DAW computer, via a standard RJ-45 CAT-5e
Ethernet cable. The interface in Control 2802 is compatible
whether you use a straight or cross-over cable. There are
two LEDs beside the NETWORK port that indicate network
connection and activity.
Then download and install the latest version of the Control
2802.dmg application from our wesbite at
On Apple computers, add the software to your applications folder
(Macintosh HD > Applications) via drag and drop.
If you wish, you can enable the application to always boot upon
user log-in. Select ‘System Preferences... > Accounts > (select
the user account you wish to alter) > Login Items tab > Add Item
(+ button)’. Browse and select Focusrite Control 2802:
Everytime this user account opens, Focusrite Control 2802
should now boot.
Network Configuration (Mac)
Once you have connected Control 2802 to your computer and
installed the software, you are ready to set up the networking
side of the console.
IP Address Setup for Direct Connection
If you have a direct Ethernet connection between Control 2802 and
your DAW computer, first you must set up your DAW IP address.
Please note that if you have a router, then the IP address
should not be adjusted and you should skip to “Setting up the
console with DHCP (for use with routers)” on
To set the DAW IP address:
Select ‘System Preferences... > Network > Ethernet >
Location > Edit Locations... > Add New Location (+ button)’
and name the location as Control 2802.
Select this Location and enter the following settings:
‘Configure’ to Manually
‘IP Address’ to
‘Subnet Mask’ to
Click to Apply to confirm the settings; the status should update
to show that the Ethernet port is Connected.
Move across to the Control 2802, power up the
console and once booted, press the SETUP switch.
The OLED displays will show the first page of console setup:
Use the first rotary encoder to select the DAW
application you are using with Control 2802.
The options at the time of release include:
Apple Logic Pro 9
Avid Pro Tools 8
Steinberg Cubase 5 (Nuendo)
Once a change has been made, the setup switch
LED will flash to indicate that a setting has changed.
If you exit setup by pressing the switch once more,
and then return by entering setup again, your setting
is saved automatically.
Using the PAGE keys (below the first rotary
encoder), page to the right and ensure that Use
DHCP is set to NO.