Revison: 7
There are 9- stages of charging process controlled by program:
Battery Diagnosis:
Yellow LED flashing
Initially detect the battery connected or not.
Detect the battery voltage is healthy or not healthy. It will switch into Soft-start if battery is healthy.
Detect if the battery is heavily discharged or not, it automatically run an additional enhanced “Recondition” stage if the
battery is detected with deep discharge.
If a LiFePO4 lithium battery is detected being protected by BMS, it will automatically activate the charging process without
needing user override.
Fault LED
Yellow LED
slowly flashing: If the battery charger is not hooked to the battery, Fault light and yellow light will
slowly flash
Fault LED fast flash
– If the battery charger is reversed polarity, Fault light will fast flash.
Soft start –
Blue LED flash
Gently ramps the battery voltage to Bulk charge level.
Fault LED on
– Safety time out after 24 hours of attempting to charge and the battery voltage is still less than 9V (10.5V for
LiFuPO4 battery), then stop charge and indicate Fault.
Bulk charge (Constant Current “CC” mode) –
Blue LED on
Deliver the maximum rated current to charge up the battery capacity over 80%.
Fault LED on
– Safety timeout after 72 hours of attempting to charge and the battery voltage cannot reach 14.0V, then stop
charge and indicate Fault.
Absorption charge –
Blue LED on
The battery can charge up to 85% (100% for Lithium battery). The charging current tapers down and the charging voltage is
kept constant at the programmed value
If after 36 hours or the charging current is less than 20% CC, it will go into next Charge Test stage.
Charge test –
Blue LED on
Suspend the charging for 3 minutes, if the battery voltage is detected below 12.8V (13.2V for LiFePO4 battery), it will go
next additional Recondition stage.
Recondition –
Blue LED on
Use a small current to recondition battery at a higher level of constant voltage setting, the maximum Recondition time is for 8
Floatmode –
Green LED on
Trickle charge Constant Voltage (CV) to maintain the battery at 100% capacity. After 16 hours or the charge current below
10% CC, it will switch into next ECO stage.
ECO mode –
Green LED on
Low power consumption mode, when after 168 hours (7 days) the battery voltage is detected less than 12.6V, the charger
will enter next Pulse charge mode.
Pulse charge –
Green LED on
Cut in and Cut out charge to maintain the battery voltage at a safety and fully charged level, if 24 hours maximum Pulse
charge time reached, it will go back ECO mode.