"Formula" After selecting the type of "Operation", you can select
different calculation formulas to calculate the detection values of
multiple sensors.
"Add" Calculate the sum of the selected multiple detection values.
"Average" The average of the selected multiple detection values is
"Minimum" The minimum value of the selected multiple detection
values is displayed.
"Maximum" The maximum value of the selected multiple detection
values is displayed.
"Multiply" Multiplication of the selected multiple detection values.
(To be updated...)
(To be updated...)
(To be updated...)
(To be updated...)
"Input source 1" Select the transfer-back data for calculation and
"Input source 2" Select the transfer-back data for calculation and
display. Up to 4 input sources are allowed.
"Auto offset value"
(To be updated...)
"Positive" Display all detected negative values as positive values.
"Wave filtering"
(To be updated...)
(To be updated...)
"Logs" Enable the record function. The detection data will be recorded
on the SD card. The logging needs to be activated by the special
7.4 Radio Settings
7.4.1 Tools
(To be updated...)
7.4.2 SD-HC Card
Used to browse SD card directory. It can perform the functions of
viewing text, executing lua files, playing audio, copying, renaming and
deleting SD card files.
"FIRMWARE" Transmitter firmware upgrade directory. The downloaded
transmitter firmware is in this folder for upgrade.
"IMAGES" Model picture folder. Images are in the JPEG format in RGB