High-Pressure Modular Controller
Pressure Control Settings
Dynamic Control Modes
Dynamic Control sets the pressure to the target value and then controls pressure
to keep it within the ready tolerance at the Setpoint value, see Figure 7. Dynamic
Control is beneficial for most applications because it automatically compensates
for changes to the system from adiabatic affects and small leaks. Dynamic
Control is the default control mode when the Product is turned on.
Dynamic Control generates a very small amount of pressure noise
due to continuous pressure control. The pressure noise is
undetectable in most DUTs. For high-end sensitive DUTs where
pressure noise is a concern, use Static Control for the test.
In Figure 7, the default dynamic ready tolerance value is 0.005 % of range. On
Setup>Control Setup
screen the
Specify as % Range
setting is used to
set the control settings as % Range or pressure unit values. Fluke Calibration
recommends to leave this set to
so the control settings scale appropriately
when different ranges are active.
Dynamic Pressure Control
Rate of pressure
decreased to
prevent overshoot
Product continuously makes
pressure changes to keep
pressure as close to the
target pressure as possible
Ready Tolerance
Figure 7. Dynamic Pressure Control Mode Example
As an example, if the range is 2000 psi, the default ready tolerance is 0.1 psi
(2000 psi x 0.005 % = 0.1 psi). At a target pressure of 1000 psi, the Product
gives a
condition if the pressure is between 999.9 psi and 1000.1 psi.