ASCII character strings terminated with a carriage-return character (CR, ASCII
Interface Commands
The various commands for accessing the controller functions via the digital in-
terface are listed in this section (see Table 2). All commands are terminated
with a carriage-return character. The interface makes no distinction between
upper and lower case letters, hence either may be used. Commands may be ab-
breviated to the minimum number of letters which determines a unique com-
mand. A command may be used to either set a parameter or display a parameter
depending on whether or not a value is sent with the command following a “=”
character. For example “s”<CR> will return the current set-point and
“s=50.00”<CR> will set the set-point (set-point 1) to 50.00 degrees.
In the following list of commands, characters or data within brackets, “[” and
“]”, are optional for the command. A slash, “/”, denotes alternate characters or
data. Numeric data, denoted by “n”, may be entered in decimal or exponential
notation. Characters are shown in lower case although upper case may be used.
Spaces may be added within command strings and will simply be ignored.
Backspace (BS, ASCII 8) may be used to erase the previous character. A termi-
nating CR is implied with all commands.
8 Digital Communication Interface
Interface Commands