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instructions) must be accomplished before operation
of the pump.
Installation of the coupling halves should be
performed by application of an even heat;
hammering is apt to distort the coupling or shaft, or
otherwise cause damage.
Familiarity with the coupling manufacturer's
instructions (see section 10) will facilitate installation.
The task of installing a tapered half-coupling on
either the driver or the pump shaft consists simply of
removing any protective coating from the shaft or the
half-coupling, installing the half-coupling key
[6700.1], and then drawing the half-coupling into
place with the coupling locknut [7411]. The
installation of a straight half-coupling is more
involved but it can usually be completed by:
1) Removing all protective coating from shaft and
half-coupling and making certain that they are
clean down to bare metal.
2) Heating hub of hub-and-sleeve half-coupling (or
entire unit if it is solid) in oil to temperature
specified in section 10.3.
O-rings, where used, must not touch hot
metal and should be greased for installation. Make
certain that match marks on hub-and-sleeve type
couplings will match up when assembled. Some
straight half-couplings are secured in position with
shaft nuts as well as keys.
3) Installing key [6700.1] on driver or pump shaft
and sliding cold sleeve and O-ring followed by
heated hub (or heated solid half-coupling, if so
equipped) onto shaft until half-coupling is
positioned as shown by the outline drawing in
the back of this manual.
Lubrication of the coupling (see
section 10 for manufacturer's instructions) must be
accomplished before operation of the pump for the
first time.
4) Verifying that gear type couplings are lubricated.
Use of odd size bolts and nuts to
couple half-couplings and spacer will cause
imbalance; use only bolts and nuts specified by the
coupling manufacturer.
5) Bolting half-couplings and coupling spacer
together after all requirements for alignment
have been met.
6.9.9 Final Assembly Tasks
If you have not already done so:
1) Remove thrust bearing end cover [3266]. Apply
an even film of sealant to parting surface of end
cover [3266] that abuts bearing housing [3230].
Install cover with stationary oil baffle or Inproseal
stator (if installed), and evenly tighten cap
2) Wipe off any excess sealant.
3) Reinstall all piping, wiring, auxiliary components,
or other items removed to allow pump
4) If case or driver position has not been disturbed
perform hot alignment check of pump and driver
Otherwise, perform cold alignment.