FT-112(D) Panel Weighing Indicator, Technical Manual, Rev.1.0.0, May 2019
7 D
Addressing Digital Load cells
IMPORTANT NOTE: You can connect all RC3D load cells to the terminal and address them later.
The following diagram shows the recommended load cell addressing principle. Remember, if pair shift
adjustment is selected, 1 and 2, 3 and 4 etc. will be sectional pairs.
Figure 7.1 - The addressing principle of the digital load cells.
Addressing of RC3D digital load cells
1. Press
key at the [ 533 ADDRESSING
prompt to start the addressing.
2. The message [
appears for a short time and then [ DLC NUMBER :01 ] message
appears. Here 01 is the address of the DLC.
3. Press
key to enter the serial number of the DLC.
4. After the [
prompt, type the serial number value via numerical keys.
5. Press
key to start addressing the digital load cell. [ ADDRESSING DLC ] message will
shown on the display 10 seconds while addressing is being performed.
6. The following DLC number appears on the display. You may press
key to enter the serial
number and you may repeat from item 4 until all DLCs have been addressed.
7. [ 532 QUANTITY :XY ] message appears after addressing all load cells.
8. Press
key to access to Shift adjustment block or press
key until [ SAVE : YES ]
prompt appears on the display and press
key to save the changes into the memory.
Manually Addressing an Individual RC3D digital load cell
The manual addressing of load cell is done to change any load cell or to change the instrument
without performing shift adjustment and calibration.
1. Press
key at the [ 533 ADDRESSING
prompt to start the addressing.
2. The message [
for a short time and then [ DLC NUMBER :01 ] message
appears to indicate load cell address.
3. Press
key until appearing the address which the new load cell will install.
4. Connect the new load cell to junction box.
5. Press
key to start address the load cell.
6. Enter the serial number of the load cell. Press
key for addressing the load cell.
7. After the following DLC number has appeared on the display, press
key. [ 532
QUANTITY :XY ] message appears.
8. Press
key to access to Shift adjustment block or press
key until [ SAVE : YES ]
prompt shown on the display and press
key to save the changes into the memory.
Shift adjustment method
The shift adjustment is done to eliminate weight reading differences at placing the load on different
positions on the platform. The calibration is required after shift adjustment.
Each load cell or each sectional pair should be loaded for eccentricity adjustment. Individual shift
adjustment is used to eliminate errors in installations that have excessive eccentricity errors. Typical
application of sectional pairs is rolling loads on the platform like truck scales. Sectional pairs
adjustment is easier and faster.
Pair 1
Pair 2
Pair 5