Parameter Slew
The Parameter Slew overlay is accessed by selecting the PARAMETER SLEW button from the Area
Map Mapping Functions. See Figure 3-24. This page is used to reposition the aircraft either on the ground
or in flight and to control the direction and speed of this movement. Aircraft movement from slewing is
tracked on the Area Map, Approach Plot, and the Takeoff Plot pages. The Parameter Slew overlay consists
of three direct entry buttons and three overlay buttons. The three direct entry buttons are used to set the
slew rate to either Low, Medium, or High. Only one direct entry button can be selected at a time. The
Parameter Slew overlays are described below.
Setting the Alt/Hdg/Spd Slew
The Alt/Hdg/Spd Slew overlay is used to adjust the altitude, heading, and air speed of the aircraft. See
Figure 3-25. Each slew function (altitude, heading, and airspeed) has buttons that control the direction at
which the slew will take place. This overlay can also be used in conjunction with either the Relative
Position Slew or the Absolute Position Slew overlay to position the aircraft.
Figure 3-24. Mapslew Overlay
TM-3-B 737-IOS1-007
B 737
JAN 2001