117-00008 Rev 3.0 Flightcell® DZMx Installation Manual
Page 26 of 75
Effective Date: 18 February 2022
Modem Configuration
The DZMx can be configured with up to three internal modems and one external modem or
satellite phone.
Cellular Modems
The following cellular modems may be installed in the DZMx:
A 4G (LTE) modem
A 450 MHz modem.
Different countries or geographic areas use different cellular bands, due to international and
national radio frequency licensing agreements.
In Revision 3 DZMx, the cell modem supports most of the bands to for all countries in the world.
In Revision 4 and later DZMx, four different modem versions are used for different geographic
regions. The four modem options are:
EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa)
APAC (Asia/Pacific and South America)
Americas and Band 14 (North America, including the US Public Safety Band, band 14)
There is considerable overlap in the bands offered by the different modem versions, so some
modems can be used in more than one geographic area, with some reduction in the bands
When ordering the DZMx, it is essential that the version with the correct regional modem is
ordered. Please contact
for more information on the appropriate modem for
your operational area.
Internal Iridium Modems
The following satellite modems may be installed in the DZMx:
One or two internal Flightcell Iridium 9523 modems
An Iridium 9603 modem (used for Short Burst Data only).
External Modems and Phones
One external modem or satellite phone can be connected to the DZMx via its RS232 serial port:
A Flightcell Iridium Modem
An Iridium handset installed in a Flightcell Iridium Phone Cradle; these may be:
Iridium 9505A
Iridium 9555
Iridium Extreme.
The modem and the phone handsets provide the same functions (except for Iridium PTT) as the
internal Iridium modem, providing phone calling, messaging, and data. These functions are all
controlled by the DZMx, so it is not necessary to use the phone keypad.
The external Iridium devices do not support Iridium PTT; this can only be provided by an internal
Iridium 9523 modem.