Operator's Manual
4 Theory of Operation
General System Overview
The FLIGHT MEDICAL FLIGHT 50 Ventilator is a compact, lightweight,
power-conservative, ventilator that is designed to provide ventilation for
adult and pediatric (infants, children & adolescents) patients with body
weight >10 kg.
The FLIGHT 50 Ventilator Ventilator’s unique, patented dual-micro-piston
gas compressing technology allows the FLIGHT 50 Ventilator to operate
without an external compressed gas source, making it convenient to use in a
variety of environments such as hospitals, emergency response, sub-acute
facilities, homes and transport operations. The dual micro pistons’ ability to
deliver a variable flow enables the FLIGHT 50 Ventilator to provide a full
range of operating modes and breath types, including Assist Control, SIMV
and SPONT modes with Volume Control and Pressure Control mandatory
breaths, Pressure Support of spontaneous breathing and servo-controlled
leak-compensated PEEP. Leak compensation helps to improve triggering and
avoid auto-triggering when a leak is present. The FLIGHT 50 Ventilator may
be used with an endotracheal tube, tracheal tube, mask or mouthpiece.
The FLIGHT 50 Ventilator provides monitoring of inspiratory tidal volume
(every breath), inspiratory minute volume, total respiratory rate, peak
pressure, mean pressure and baseline (PEEP) pressure. Real time patient
circuit pressure is displayed at all times on the airway pressure gauge on the
face panel.
The user sets variable alarm settings for High Pressure, Low Pressure, High
Inspiratory Minute Volume and Low Inspiratory Minute Volume, with Back
Up Ventilation provided in all modes in response to a Low Minute Volume
Alarm. There are also built in alarms for High Baseline, Low Baseline,
(Circuit) Occlusion, Apnea, PCV Not Reached, Check Prox Line, Power
Switchover (from external to internal), Low Battery and Empty Battery and
Device Alerts. The FLIGHT 50 also provides humidifier related alarms.
Gas delivery to the patient may be enriched with oxygen (0.21-1.00) using
either the Air Oxygen Entrainment (50 psi) Mixer (V13-00010-60) or the
Low Flow Oxygen Blending Bag Kit (V17-00001-67).
There is an Auto-Lock feature that may be enabled or disabled. The alarm
loudness may be set to two different levels.
The FLIGHT 50 Ventilator may be operated from a variety of AC (100-240
VAC @ 50/60/400 Hz) or DC (12-30 VDC) external power sources or from
the Dual Internal Battery System. The Auto lighter Cable (A01-00040-29)
accessory enables connection to an automobile-type DC outlet.
Any time external power is connected to the ventilator, the Dual Internal
Battery system is charging. And when external power is lost, the (new and
fully charged) Dual Internal Battery system takes over and powers the
FLIGHT 50 Ventilator for up to 10 hours, at standard ventilator settings. A