aintenance Guide – Econordic heat pump
Preparation of the pump and leakage test
Fill the container with the required amount of water to maintain the pump
body submerged during operation
Fasten the hose fittings on the heat exchanger to be decalcified
Plug the power cable to a single-phase 230 V power supply
Switch-on the pump and check the tightness of all connections on the heat-
exchanger and the pump
If leaks are observed, check the integrity of the connections and/or change
the defective parts
When the tightness is secured, switch-off the pump
Carefully add the required amount of acid for descaling (refer to the
recommended concentration level specified in the product description)
Descaling procedure
Switch-on the pump
During the operation, leave the lid of the container open to allow the
withdrawal of gases that are formed during decalcification
Check that the height of the foam does not exceed the maximum fill line
The descaling process can be considered complete when no more bubbles
is forming in the return hose and the liquid is still acidic (pH to be checked)