Illuminated Multimedia Keyboard Information Sheet
Thank You for purchasing the Flexiglow™ Illuminated Multimedia Keyboard. Please read the following
details carefully
Multi-Media Button Information
Web Browser Home:
Launch your web home page
Launch Email:
Launch your email application
Web Browser Back:
Go back to previous web page
Web Browser Forward:
Go to the next web page
Web Browser Search:
Launch your web search function
Web Browser Refresh:
Update and refresh the web page
Web Favourites:
Open my favourites
Web Browser Stop:
Stop the launching the current web page
Media Player:
Launch the media player
Volume Down:
Decrease the volume
Volume Up:
Increase the volume
Disable the sound
Media Stop:
Stop the media playing
Previous Track:
Change to the previous media track
Play / Pause:
Toggle to play and pauses the media
Next Track:
Change to the next media track
My Computer:
Launch My Computer browser
Launch sleep mode to save 70% power consumption
Care and Maintenance Information
Avoid spilling of liquids such as soft drinks and coffee onto the keyboard
Use a dry lint free cloth to clean keys
Do not use harsh cleaners or solvents
Do not apply unreasonable force to the keys or between the keys
Do not leave the keyboard in direct sunlight
Turn off the EL back light when keyboard is not in use – this will ensure maximum life from the EL panel
Downloading Keyboard Drivers from the Internet
1. Open your web browser and navigate to the web address:
2. Once the web page has loaded you will need to complete three steps to download the correct driver:
3. Select your product as
Multimedia Keyboard
4. Select your operating system from the list provided
5. Select your operating system language and then click on the
6. A new page will load with a link to the correct driver. Following the instructions provided on the web site to download
and install the driver.
O.S. Version
Driver Name
Driver Details
Quick Download Location
Windows Me,
98, and NT
IntelliType Pro keyboard
software version 2.22 for
Windows Me, 98, and NT 4.0
Filename: ITP5_0Eng.exe
Size: 6889 KB
Published: 8/29/2003
Version: 5.00
Windows XP and
Windows 2000
IntelliType Pro Keyboard
Software Version 5.0 for
Windows XP and Windows
Filename: ITP5_0Eng.exe
Size: 6889 KB
Published: 8/29/2003
Version: 5.00
Warranty Information
Your Flexiglow™ Multimedia Illuminated Keyboard is warranted from manufacturer’s defects for a period of 6 months. Any
tampering with the keyboard will void warranty. Make all warranty claims through authorised dealers.
Copyright © Flexiglow Hong Kong 2005