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› G e n e R a l R e F e R e n C e
Please take a moment to review this page in order to
familiarize yourself with these four ports on the valve
and the programming values below. It is crucial not to
mistake the inlet port with the outlet port. Mistaking
and reversing the inlet and outlet ports will lead to
failure of your softener system.
As you work through this guide, please make sure to
follow all instructions exactly.
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underlined text to jump to that page or the page
number in the bottom corner of every page to
jump to the table of contents.
All our installation
guides may be found on our site under “Information.”
d R a I n
B R I n e
›PRo G R a m m I n G
To the right are the setting values for your softener.
You can
calculate the missing values on pages 4 and 5 of this
There we will cover identifying the essential values of,
UnIt caPacItY
, and
lBS oF Salt
Tank size and Hardness level determines the Unit Capacity
and lbs of Salt per Regeneration.
o u t l e t
I n l e t
Job Number:
Model Number:
Mineral Tank Size:
s e t t I n G
Va l u e
Grains per Gallon
UnIt caPacItY
,000 Grains
Gal caPacItY
00 Gallons
lBS oF Salt
F I G u R e 2 - a
F I G u R e 2 - B
Gallon caPacItY
to the Unit Capacity
by the Hardness
15% of the result (Example:
64K tank / 28 gpg hardness = 2,286 gal; 2,286 gal - 343 =
1,943 gal capacity.
Unit capacity and hardness can be
determined from pages 4 and 5
). If the result exceeds
the highest number on the dial, use the next smallest
Unit capacity value
listed on
in the
equation above. To set Gallon Capacity, pull out and rotate
the right dial and line up your Gallon Capacity value with the
white dot (Figure 2-A).
To set
lBS oF Salt
per regeneration, take the
lbs of Salt
from the
table above/the table on page 5
, move to
the rear of the valve, loosen the flat head screw holding the
lbs of salt selector, line up the point of the selector with the
lbs of salt value, and tighten the selector (Figure 2-B).