Fisher & Paykel 599194C Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание 599194C

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Страница 2: ...t tes Setting the clock Oven modes ShNf positions Accessori_s Us g the oven contros US SIl_CTopions Cooki sg mode opt ons Cooki g c arts SE F C EAN mode Maintenanc_ _ imitedwa anty 3 4 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 17 22 26 27 34 36 39 4 42 ...

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Страница 4: ...ducesyou to a ts eatures as we as givng you a comp ehensive set of cooking charts We recomme sd you read the who e gu de be ore us ng you new oven fo both safoty and cook g success For further nfotmation go to www fishetpaykekco n To change the anguage n the oven mode disslays to French Spansh go to l ow to change L _ c thelanguagein USIRS_ ECTop _n ik A f l_ 0 _1 Do k c si 9 r_od SAVE THESE INSTR...

Страница 5: ...heating the room re sons could be burned o n ued o arite co Id start o Dc not leave children alone Children shouk nu be left alone or u _a enred in the area where heappFa_ceisi_use They should neve be allowed tos or stando_anypatofthe Wear proper apparel Du not wear oose ftting o hang ng gar nents whe_ usng the app ance Theycoud gnite or melt ftheytouchaneemento hot su face or you could be burned ...

Страница 6: ... the oven unt they have had sufi cie st tree to cool O her surfaces of the appliance may beco ne hot enough to cause bu ns among these sufiscesaetheovenven thesurfaceneartheove vent andtheovendoe andw dow could aso become hot e _ough to cause buns The California SafeD nking Water and T xic Enforcement Act equ esbtsnessestowan customers of poten ia exposure to substances which a known by the State ...

Страница 7: ...d doubleoven _odd shown 2 3 4____ 5 I 1 Contol panel 2 Door handle s yen window 4 Upper oven s owe oven double models only _ Mode seia nunbe 7 Sel cleanlatch s Doo seal 9 Cavty sea lo Boi elenent ss Oven lights 12 Cook ng probe socket is Aeo Jn conceaed eeme t 14 owe conceaed eement is oor hnge ...

Страница 8: ...e wa an the colonwi flash 1 Whe the coon s flash rig rotate the setting sdectot until the correct time of day s show ng 2 tessthe CLOCKbuton_toadopt the time you have set o w_it ekFht seconds and the seting wl be auto natical y adopted Referto _n_ _ F_ SEIECToptk ns for instruct ons on how to change the clock to dispBy 12 x ut time Ira 08 LOWER 0 0 dME_ CO0_ TUt_E TUME b c a lock disp ay b CLOCKbt...

Страница 9: ... is _ot equi ed when us_g ROAST and AEROBROI Posit on shelves n the oven heft re preheating When your oven is p eheadng yot se ected cook g temperature is disp ayed al ernately wththeacua oventempeatue When the oven has eached heseected empetatue anaudibebeepwi sounda d hetenpeatuedsplaywillchangefromorasgetogreen brus ed staness steel nodes or oange to bue rdiun stainless steel modes The Aero och...

Страница 10: ..._ _ the AEROBAKE mode tends o brown more quick y ban oods cooked on cor_ventonalmodes keBAKE AEROBAKE sgreat o crisp ng past y in le non mern Fuepieandvec_etabephyopaces AEROBAKEatalowtemperatue 125 F 50 C sidea rdryngfui vegetablesandt erbs BAKEs pperan owet eements lear comes from the top outer and lower concealed elements BAKE is the co _vent onal cooking mode su abe orsngeshef cook 9 It sidea ...

Страница 11: ...ick y broil smalle dshe fo example Cr _ ne Bru ee o one to wo ortonsofyou usualfavorite kecrspycbckenbeasso astea Bo takes a mntte o so to warm up and is caried out wth the door closed owe levesaeexpressedasapecentagefom O 0 poweOto 100 MAXIBRO ppe i e a o e_ee x e s MAXBROII delvers ntenseheatfom heenietopelenen tis t emost sutabe nodefo fnshngof uanymeas for example b owning the top of potato gr...

Страница 12: ...o cod n and tbs burns o T an breaks down soil and easedeposts Asmokeelimr_atoran actveventingsysemeradca_ eso o The ashresduetha emai scansmply be emovedfomthecoolovenw hadanpcotho sponge The cooling fan A coong fa wl come on a omat cally wher_ most oven modes ae used arid blow air out below the oven door The cool g n may co d ue to un a te _ he oven is sw tched off to keepthe door and contd pand ...

Страница 13: ...lves the mid e aid owe region of_ he oven are su tab e for baking roasting and casseoles For sore specfic informat on on whch s_elf position to use e_e to the Cook ng chats Your oven hevescomewthbuilt n stop Iod s fo your sa ty This means when inseted prope ytheyw lot t t when pu e towards you nsert shelw_s Posit on the she ves so that the s VJeAinthecente is acing towadsyou as show an sde the s_e...

Страница 14: coating of cook ng spray ot g easing bd oe use Their da k color a sobs heat and you may Fin ha yot voriterecipescool moequckly than on old shny trays AItemat vely you can reduce the oven te npe atu e by app oximate y 6070 F 1 20 C Alowyou bakngtocoo fi af _w n _utesafte it comes out of the oven beforeremovng t fro_the ayus gawooden o fon spat a Aways emove ood be ore it s completely cold n most...

Страница 15: ... this button to toggle between uppe and owe cavitysettngs g h and iae on doube models ony Timer The _ ime can be u_ ed s any _ imq even when the oven _ not in use o set the timer 1 Press the TIMEt_ button The TIMERsym ol and the c en will lash in the cock d splay e PUSH TO _ p_ 2 Rotateth CLEAR buttonunt you have thet neyouneed e_sth_TIr4ERbutonorw_t eight secon s fo the setting to be adopted _nd ...

Страница 16: ...function asdc ing nanua opeaton You can altetthesebeforeo duingcooki g and you can manually tu theove of befoetheset cool me hasfnshed Be oe cook ng starts _ELaV aUTOand the cu ent time wll show n tie coc d splay The oven mode an tenpeatuedsplayswlldim and the ovenlghtwi be off During cook ng aUTO COOKTUmea dthe emanngcooktmew show in he cockdsplay The ove mode an tenpeat re dspbys will be bight a...

Страница 17: andtempetatute dias o OFF After eight seconds the cock dsplay will ever to the t ne of day and the oven w retur to manua mode Food safety is an important consideration when using ddayed cooking modes_ To avoid potential spoiling of food and sickness take the following steps o Avoid usng foods that wil spoil while waiting for the cooking cycle to begin Typical fnod to avoid include those contain...

Страница 18: ket is on the le t _an side of_tl_e oven ha way down Betweenst efpos ions three and fve Sake sure the probe is pushed into _tl_esocket then close he ovendoo 5 Select the upper ot lower cavty or double oven models usng the oven cavity selector button _s ressthePRoBEbuttono theconto pa_ek The preset enperatureoflS0 F 6 C and ROB will light up n the dispay fyou want c seect a diferent nterna food ...

Страница 19: ...ROAST mode I Pacethemeator thethee piecebo roast system onashefsotha the topoftheroast s r the cer ter ofthe ovenorowe 2 Select ROASTusng the oven mode dial Select the temperature When using the ROAST mode heeis o eed to preheat the oven Useautomatc delayedstatcooking fyouwant you oven toattomaticaytunon oE For suggested oasting times and tempe atures see Cook g cha ts Tips or a successhJ roast Th...

Страница 20: eROAS mode soauwple tyoftimetocoo themthuuughly uptotwohousat_ 2G_40 F l _O 17t C Broiling _ L__J Your Aerole h _ t w n _ v_ s yt t a _boke of BROIl _ VtA iBROII L_J ar_ AI RO_ _R I For nany meats btoi ng is consi ted to be a healthier a temadve to fying Broiling is a eativ y quick metho of choking foo s produci g superio favur and s also a great way to cool vegeta les Caryoutallbo g w htheove ...

Страница 21: most Tips _ o_successful baking o When bak ng make sure the caketins do not touch each other or the sdes of the oven Stagger t_s ac ssshelws f mcessay and useTRUEAE_O_ f multqshelfcookng Do not open the oven door nt a least SA though thes ggested co ki_gtime o Bakng pans hat are made of dark dull meals arerecomnended n appFa_ceswith a concealed lower ele nent like he Aer _ ch ove They a sob hea...

Страница 22: ...nt to re _eat he oven on BAKE at 80 F 30 C Whe_you are ready o proof the ough tu the tempera ure and mode o off arid place the dough r_ a covered bowl on a s elf n _the warm oven It w be he pe f _ct e npe a ure o poof dough and the Ae ol_ ch _ oven is so we nstatedthat itwi staywamforsevealhous Note Some recipes recommendputngwate or ice ntheovenwththebeaddoughduri g baking The addi o almoistue mp...

Страница 23: ... ove_ T_oded splays will be disa led No tones will sound go error messages o temperaturech _ng_ _ _vvillbedsplayed ovveve tenpe _tuecanbe The cavity hghts are on if the door is open when Sabbath node is set The cavity hghts are off f the doo is dosed when Sabbath T_od_ _is set How to set Sabbath mo _ 1 Enter th__USERSEIECF T_odeand _ urnthe oven mo e dial clod vviseunt he dispay shows s_B MOIRE O ...

Страница 24: ...ess PUSHTO I _toselecether C or F nthecock spay LEAR Selecing Cwi convett _enumberss own nt etempeatue dispay to deqees Celsius vvh e seectnq l will shovv the oven temperatures n dec _ ees F_h enheit s the CLOCKbutton to act vate r_ flod _y SHORTALERT BydefauI S ORTA ERT soffa_d t eaudibebee_willsotndcontnuouslyatt_eendof PUSH TO _ burro1 automad ookingtim donsuntil ance edbypessingthe CLEAR When ...

Страница 25: ...e shown as no m_l n the dock dspby when the time is hdde 4 Press the CLOCRbutton to act vate F_ _ d F _y How to change the Ianguage 1 ntvrtheUSERSE Tmo ea dt rnthvow_nmodedal clod wise unt _4_ appea s in tDe d s by 2 tess Push TO f _ to toqgle th ou_Fh the diffe ent anguages US CLEAR _ fo Anerica_ n Flish Nfo UKIngish FR for Canadian French or ESfo Souh AmericanSpans_ _sc buton to act vate S the C...

Страница 26: ...when cleaning oven surfaces or preventi g acddenta bumps an unauthor sed use The contro pane can only belod edwhe he oven mode andtempeatueaeOFF b lock the control panel Press the Push To fm button and hod down for five seconds The Loci _y nso will ppea in CLEAR the cock d s slay F_epeat to unock 25 ...

Страница 27: ...t cake o o Sponc_e o o Q MuFin sin _lle tray 0 o o Mufti s mut ray Me ngue o o o Bteacl Rol s o o o o Pastry Appe pie o o o Quic e o o o o C tlS_ar d a 0 0 0 0 Phyllo I laky PufWChoux o e o o o Meat fish and poultry Roas becf po k amb o o o e o Roastchcken w ole o o o o o Roastchcken peces 0 o o o o o Roas tuk o o Steak Ct ops Cu let s o o o Fish o o o o o Family favorites Fzza o o o o Cassero e o...

Страница 28: ...00220 8 5 I0 Bread Ro s 2 380400 9 210 8 Pizza IO 15 440 4 0 225230 0 Appe pie 354 350360 75180 0 Pastry P y 1525 9r_ _s 90200 8 _7 _ 0 190200 10 Flaky Puff 2 3 _ _9 Ouiche 2030 3_0 375 17 190 10 _0 7_ _Veat pie 40_0 _ _ 80 190 0 enon nerhguepie 2030 570375 3190 0 C oux pa_try 3540 390400 209210 0 _7_ 0 90200 ustardtart pasty 4 6 _ s9 o filing 7 350360 7_ k 0 filhgco_t 2030 3 0330 5 165 Family Fav...

Страница 29: ...200220 8 Bread rol s b 0 390 42 200 220 8 Pizz _ 1216 380400 19 200 12 Appb pie 2 _30 375400 190200 11 PasWy p_yp _ 825 3753o0 _0200 9 _70 0 85200 9 Flaky purl _ 2030 89 Ouiche 202 3 _0 390 17 b200 11 u_ at _ie _0 _0 37580 _0 enon nerhguepie 3040 3_0360 75180 0 _oux pa_try 3035 390400 200210 11 Custard tart pas y 2 5 375390 9020 8 filing 79 550360 75180 8 fili_gcont 2025 280300 40150 8 Family favo...

Страница 30: ...0 2 410425 20220 7 Bread rol s 530 390425 200220 8 Pizz _ 2 8 3904 0 200210 12 Appepie 2535 39040 20020 Pastry P y 2039 375 39 902 0 8 Fbky pu f 2030 400 4 200210 8 quiche 2030 3S0 390 75 200 I 0 _ eat pie 30 0 350390 75200 I 0 enon nerhgue pie 3S40 350375 75200 10 Csouxpa_try 3545 3904 0 75 190 8 Custard tart pas y 2 5 375390 200210 8 filklg 79 0_ 0 75180 8 fili_gcont 2025 280300 40150 8 Family f...

Страница 31: ... 0 Pastry Ouiche 2030 390425 200220 8 Meat pi_ 3040 300375 80190 8 e _ol_ _erit_gue pie 520 340 560 70180 8 Baked products Lc_ _r cook es 30350 7017 _ O Oatcookes 0 5 320 530 G0105 9 Squares sces 520 3203_ 60 175 I I S _ortbread 2025 280 500 40 150 9 Pastry Quiche 20 50 39042 _ 200220 8 Meat pif 3040 360375 180190 8 e _ol_ _erit_gue pie 520 340 560 70180 8 30 ...

Страница 32: 215 Hi 4 Mnced Ine _ tb dls 12 5 Hi 4 Lamb qops medium I _20 Hi _ _ops well do_e 2o25 Hi 3 Pork Chops v eI dot_e 1520 Hi 3 H_n steak 1520 Hi 4 Baco_ 47 Hi 3 Chicken Bol_eless pieces 1530 Hi 6 Sausages usages 0 15 Hi 4 Fish Flets 812 Hi 4 Whoe 1520 Hi 4 3_ ...

Страница 33: ...025 400 440 20022 4 Rack mediu n 2030 400410 200210 5 Perk Chops well do_e 202 3754 0 90210 4 HaY_ seak _20 42 400 220225 4 Bacon 0 5 425440 220225 3 Chicken qO W lob per 340360 70180 9 b 4 0c Bol_dess pieces 3050 350375 75190 7 Sausages Sausages 0 5 375400 90200 4 Fish Flets 8 2 400425 200220 4 Whoe 520 400425 200220 4 32 ...

Страница 34: ...bone mediuY 18_28 320340 160 170 150160 70 I0 I_OAS Wit bone v el done Bon dess medum 20 35 320 _40160170 I 01690 6570 I0 ROASK Boneless wd dorle Vea I Medum 2043 320340 160q70 15016065 70 I0 ROAST Weldone 2_ 4 5 320340160170 170 75 77 9 10 OAS Chicken Whoe 15 20 350375 175 190 180 82 _11 RUEAERO i Turkey Withstu rl_g wel dol_e 17_22 3303_0 165d75 SO 82 13 FRUEAERO Wd dolle lri20 300330 150q65 180...

Страница 35: ... the gran n a horizontal motion_ C eaning the control panel t may be useful to ockt _eovenconrolspiertoceanng see Conto panel loci in Use B_ ash_d a_sd Iridium stainless steel Clean wih a comme cial stainless seal cleaner see lmpo tant above or wipe wth a clean danp coth and dry with a lint free coth Reguartseofastainlesssteelceanerwllreducefingerpintsa dothe maks Do not use ab as ve c eaners on s...

Страница 36: be c eaned using a solut on of detergent and ho ware They are also d shwasher safe If pa ticula y soiled soak in a so ut on of hot water and biologica clothes washi g powder to make deani g easie b remove the shelf supports 1 ifi the leve to unock the s ef support 2 ifl the she f support up and away from the sde wa of the cavity tocea the ocatingpin s ull the s elfsuppot towad you and out of th...

Страница 37: 5c eaned at a dine When one oven s in a se f_clean cyce the othe oven canno Be used _or cooking Wipe up any a_ge food spils o_ grease deposits before start ng a se f clean cycle_ Do not ase oven c leane_s_ Do not use any commerc al oven cleaner oven liner or protective coating of any knd n or around any pa_t of the oven Remove oven shelves and shelf supports see Cleaning before starting a self ...

Страница 38: ...oven scempeelycooled t_eash seasilyremovedwthasnall brush dy cloth the vvpe out the oven with _ cean danp cloth snd dy wth a clean ntfee cloth _sReplace the shelf suppots see eanng an oven shews b caducei the SELF CLEAN mode befo_ e t has f _ _ished Turn the oven cod an temperature dias to OFF CLEANCOOL WN appea n the oven mode dispay and the doo wi reman ocked unt CLEANEND appears Do not turn off...

Страница 39: ...peraturedia to its maxi num position L L L w show in the tempe atu e splay 4 W _o 888 s st owing press the TOPTIME button Tim TOPTI_VlE and AUTOsymbo s and the colonw flas PUSH TO _ CLEAR _butor_ ftb re the o wait before the sef cean cyce stats AUTOand DELa CLEANW appear n the clod 6 When the sel clean cyce starts AUTO DOOR LOCK and CLEAN w appear n the disp ay and the tne renaining will count dow...

Страница 40: ...e to imrnediatdy dear the fault code ot contact yott Fsher Paykel Authorse Sevc Centre watfor e oven cooling fans ostop an thenpessthe PUSHcLEARTO r X buto again is kelythatt eov nw nowcleartn fault f t oesnot then you may turn the ove_ off a the wan once the fans have stopped and the oven has completely cooled down 0 en does not WOr_ Power supply is not Have a sevce co T_pa 1y electric an connect...

Страница 41: ...o _lgh e specfic tootle Open ng _heoven door Do t_otopen the door u_til at lea_t_ _ of the cook ng tree haspassed Bakngtempertue oo Adust empeature high o oolow Oven ght does gh bulb as blown Replacehe lig bulb Re ero not we_L Ma nte lance Ior cletaIs Oven not hea ing Oven doo is not properly Oven dements and fa_s _un off wsile dosed o_oper ecltoo he door s open so be sue t_e oven feque_lydui_gope...

Страница 42: ...o ceo 2 Iakeouttheshelvesa_duseasnallflatheadscewdivertotwistand ftthe etaine clip at the topoft_egasslightcoverwh e holding the glass to preve t trailing The dippvats countercloc wse seethe diagans beow s Caefuy the g ass cover out of helowe supporta_dpu out thefau ybub 4 k ding _ he eplacenent hub in a so cloth ortssue touchng the bub will educe ts life span inset the ew bub The two p s are vert...

Страница 43: ...ome If thepoduct sinstaed na noto vehcle boat o simfarmobilefac ty yoc mustb ng t o the se v ce shop at your expense o payfo he servicetechncan s raw tothe ocat on of t e produc ffweaeunabletorepairadeT_ctvepatoftheproductaftera easonable umbe of attempts at our optk n we may rep ace the part or the p oduct o we may prov de you a fu efund of the puchase p ce of the poduct not indud g nstallaton o ...

Страница 44: ...dwhentheproductis stalledisalocationwth Inted or restr cted access eg airp ane fights ry charges so ated geog aphic areas F Normal recommended mainte lance as set forth in the product s use guido f you have at k stallat o problem contact your dealer ot nstaller You ae respons ble fix providing adequate e ect ical exhausting and othe connection facilit es We ae not responsNe o consequential or ncde...

Страница 45: ...sevce u de thislimtedwarantysha beprovdedbyFishe ayke or tsAutho zed Service Agent durng norna bus less hours No other warranties Ths mired war anty is the complete and exclusive agree nent between you aid Fsher Paykel egardi sg any defect in he product None ofo enployees o ou Auhoized Service Age ts are authorized to make any addition or rood float on to ths limited wa anty Warrantor Fsher PaykeJ...

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