Maintenance Instructions
Kapitel/Chapter 7: Maintenance Instructions - Seite/Page 101
7.12 V-belt replacement for the internal cooling water pump
The V-belt wears in a short time due to high ambient temperature within the closed capsule (approx. 85 °C). The air
in the generator capsule is not only warm but also very dry. Therefore it is possible, that the „softener“ in the rubber
composers wear after a very short time of operation.
Therefore, the V-belt must be checked in short time distances. It may be possible, that the V-belt must be changed
after a few weeks. Therefore the V-belt must be checked every 150 hours. The v-belt must be seen as a wearing
part. Therefore it is necessary to have enough spare V-belts on board. We therefore recommend to have the Fischer
Panda Service Kit on board.
Fig. 7.12-1: Alternator screw
1. Loose the screw on the upper alternator mounting.
Sample picture
Fig. 7.12-2: Screw underneath the alternator
2. Loose the screw underneath the alternator.
Sample picture