Fire Chief FCOS1600 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание FCOS1600

Страница 1: ...ief Outdoor Woodburning Furnace Model FCOS1600 Owner s Manual VOLUME I June 2010 Manutactured By Fire Chief Industries 7280 Old State Route 21 Interlek Barnhart Mo 63012 Tnt d I 311 I HOO 87s 4788 or 636 942 4747 SIO 9 95 ...

Страница 2: in perfect condition Any vilible damage should be Iloled all the freight bill al the time of delivery If upon ul lpaclrl1 l9 your Fife Chief you filld damage had occuned du ll lg Iransl Ilolify your euppl e immediately Your supplier will advise you as 10 whal acllol l mu81 be laken to cOffecllhe problem Disclaimer Notice The eled BTU rabng of your I fIW Fife Chle was oblaitled under ideal labor...

Страница 3: ...rn Installation 10 Installation Central Duct 11 InstallatIOn Downdraft Furnace or With No Duct Work 12 First Firing RecommendatIOns 13 Fuel Recommendations 13 Ash Removal 13 Heat Dump System and Heat Fuse link 14 Maintenance Wiring Diagram Parts Diagram Parts List 15 16 17 16 Troubleshooting Guide 19 Warranty Information 24 Model and Serial Number Registration 25 ALWAYS KEEP YOUR WOOD COVERED YEAR...

Страница 4: ... comfort and conyenlence we added a thermostatically controlled 1800 cfm CIrculation blower system The blower draws the cold ollr from the home across the heat chamber before going through the hot air duct and returning the warmed air to your home This fully automatic blower furnishes rapid heal disbursement to your home minimizing recovery time Average bum time per load of fuel is sIx to twelve h...

Страница 5: ... 4 10 3 4 galvanized screws wrth washer and gaskets to match the chimney your dealer supplies If the adaptor plate provided WIth your fumace does not fit the chimney your dealer has in stoc l please call our toll free number 800 875 4788 for assistance Important Please keep in mind that drffer nl chimney manufaclurers pipe will not interchange WIth other brands A lube of h glHemp silioone caulk is...

Страница 6: ...arted close the by pass damper which allows the secondary combustion chamber to engage increasing the furnace s operation to peak efficiency If the bypass rod is not closed during operation the lurnace s efficiency will be greatly reduced allOWing the heat to escape up the chim ney Finally when cleamng the chimney the rod must be pulled out 10 allow any build up in the chimney to fail into the fir...

Страница 7: ...n order to create the most efficient draft the chimney size should be 6 with a maximum of 08 inches water column draft With the use of a draft gauge or manometer the flue draft can be measured if mOfe than 08 inches of water column draft can be adjusted with the installation of a nue damper IMPORTANT FACTS ABOUT INSTALLING AND OPERATING YOUR FIRE CHIEF 051600 Installation is to be performed by a q...

Страница 8: ...nful toxic gases NEVER UNPLUG THE FURNACE FROM THE POWER SOURCE THIS WILL CAUSE THE FURNACE TO OVERHEAT If It IS too warm in the house do the follow ing Reduce the spin drafts to allow less flow of air to the fire box use less fuel wood NEVER leave the ash or fuel doo r open to attempt to regulate the fire this will overheat the furnace and void the warranty 00 not co nnect this unit to a chimney ...

Страница 9: ...n limit control box with 2 8 screws 8 Mount blower service cover part Busing 19 10 9reen screws provided Nole You may ron the power cord thro the return cold air duct or you mey access the hole from the bottom of the blower housing cover The hole must be sealed efterward regardless of routing choice Connect the 10 starter collar to the heat supply vent of the furnace Connect the 12 starter coliar ...

Страница 10: ...e inches The Fire Chief 051600 m ust be Installed with a cold air retu rn system The system must be a minimum of twelve inches 12 to readily transfer the cold air back to the furnace If desired a cold air liller bo may be constructed with a minimum opening of 225 square inches A basement window is an e ceiient locatIOn for running the hot air duct vent as well as the vent for the cold air return T...

Страница 11: ...O NOT USE FLEX OUCT OUTSIOE Run 10 Insulated hot air duct from the outside rurnace through a window or wall of the house Attach the Insulated ne lbte hot Ilr duct furrushed with the furnace to 1M central duct system of the home Connect the duct with a 5 elbow or OIl an angle 10 the hot ai from the 051600 Is delivered down stream This will insure propel air flow into the duel system AVOid dallverln...

Страница 12: ...n Connec tions Ins talla tIon should be don e by II qualified pro fessionlil Cold air return mus t be installed in a l ins talla tions even thosa without duc t w ork When there is no duct system to connect to the hot air flex duct keep the following in mind 1 You must separate the hot air duct from the cold air return ideally locate each at opposite ends of the home if you do not the air will not ...

Страница 13: ...of s intended used for optimum heat output Firewood should be stacked to provide a free now of air between he logs tl1us allowing more rapid seasoning of the wood If wood is storad outdoors it should be completely covered yaar round to protect II from moisture and exposure to the elements Use extreme CBUtion when opening the doors during Opefation temperatures can exceed 300 wait at ast 10 ten sec...

Страница 14: ...use link to tile shaft inside of tile furnace heat chamber Connect the opposite end of the fuse link to the bolt that goes thru the lid Feed the bolt through the lid and replace the acorn nut onto the bolt on lop of the lid As a precaution keep a replacement on hand II II Heat Dump Lid CLOSED indicating NORMAL OPERATION NOTE Do not allow snow or ice to build up on lid Heat Dump Lid OPEN indicating...

Страница 15: ... leaks that Will affect the furnace s perform lnce airtight duct work Increas es efficiency and furnace performance while delivering higher STUs Remove any accumulated ashes al the end 01 the season By lollowing these procedures your furneca Will prOVide many years of 1I 0uble free service ALWAYS C locate the OSI6oo on a level solid non comllustitlle surf3ce C F low Ioc II codes concerning in staH...


Страница 17: ...FCOS1600 Parts Diagram D i 07 ...

Страница 18: Duct FCOSIOCOLLAR 2 Included 13 Starter Collar for 12 Cold Air Return SNGCLR12 lln luded 14 Hitch Pin Clip 2 15 By Pass Damper Rod 16 By PilSS Damper Plate 17 Spring Handle 18 Fuel Door Hand le FCFOH 19 Fuel Door Latch 20 Fuel Door with Spin Drafts 2 21 Fuel Door Ga5kel 5 8 FCGSKTS8 22 Door Pins FCOP 23 Ouler Door Hinge 24 Weather Resist nl Front Door 25 Spin Dr ft for Ash Pan FCSO 26 Ash Drawe...

Страница 19: ...firebox to a level that Is sufficient to vaporize the resi due 19 SUGGESTED REMEDY Inspect the wood for obViOUS signs of Insect infestation suth lIS burrows or holes lInd avoid using if possible Do not store Indoors Check by rolating the knob to ON pOSitIon the blower should turn on If the blower doesn t run replace the f ln limit control Pointers shOUld be set at 110 and 170 degrees Replace fan l...

Страница 20: ...rovide the proper draft Chimney Is located too dose to another building Obstruction In chimney Excessive ash accumulation Creosote build up 8 Excessive smoke dls InSUfficient draft charge from fuel door during reloading 9 FliJmes dischargirl9 from fuel door durlrlg reloading Obstructed chimney or clogged chimney cap Cre sote build up insufficient nMural draft or an obstruction In the chimney syste...

Страница 21: ...structural defect In the chimney ilself Fueling furnllce with wei or unseasoned wood SUGGESTEp REMEDY Alwllysopen the door utlously allowing the safety lilICh system to perform ilS designed function of containing Ignition gases within the fire chamber SEE PAGE 10 00 not attempt to overload furnace Check for J eaksln return air duct system Add filter system Check and rep ce the tilter If necessllry...

Страница 22: ... nus wiI cause t Ie fan ImiI 10 call lor heal more often COnsequently the J Mubnt IIrns wiI be hereb rel8rdrng the accumulation of SEE n UMnsuLited pope used as an out aJde rtue causes rapoCI aIOIrrg at the stack g85eS tnereby COIUsWIg th m to CO deflioe as Qeowte on the Inside of the nile USE BACKUP GENERATOR AS POWER SOURCE IMMEDt ATELy SEE PAGE 13 CorJed the oYtf problem lind restO 1l power wil...

Страница 23: ...air due thus edUCInll the temperature of the heal suppty Fan lim control Is no set O F specifications SUGGESTED REMEDY Add addllional sec ioos of chimney 10 your 1 18 1 0 Insure compliance 10 the 1012 rule See diagram on page 7 Use hardwood that IS covered for a iea 6 mon hs from the weather and avoid usIfl iI rotten or poor qUBlity wood Check l l lr retum duel and blower lIousWlg fOf holes and ct...

Страница 24: ...tioned warranty a certified professional must de tennlne ttle appliancelpart to be delective He or she must submit a wnnen state ment to Fire Chief Industries detailing hIS auewnent 01 the problem ThIS assessment be accompanied by substantJatmg prool of purchase dated mVOlC6 bill of sale CBnC8IJ8d check or plJyment reconi model anel seMI number Fire Chief Industries wi then authorize repair or rep...

Страница 25: ...u may wish to record the following infonna tion Fire Chief Model Number _______ Purchase Date _____________________ Serial Number _ ____________________ Dealer where purchased _________________ Additional Service Infonnation ...
