For safety reasons, the appliance’s starting
batteries are shipped dry.
Generally the local dealer activates the batteries.
If this has not been done, they must be activated.
Completely extract the batteries from the
Lift the suction head.
Extract the waste container.
Remove the engine and rear bonnet.
The battery holder is now visible.
Disassemble the battery holder.
Disconnect the battery from the electrical
system by removing the cables from the
battery terminals.
Remove them from the support by removing
the clamps.
The batteries must be activated with the acid
Place the batteries on a horizontal plane,
unscrew and remove the top caps and vent plug.
Slowly pour the acid into each hole until it
reaches the
Never fill up to the top edge of the battery cover:
acid spills could occur.
Place the caps on the holes and allow the
battery to rest for about 30 minutes to allow the
activation of the plates. Press or tighten the top
caps all the way and leave the vent plug open.
If the voltage of the battery is below 12.7 Volts
charge it with an appropriate battery charger.
Refer to the user manual of the battery charger.
Remember that the two batteries are
connected in series and that the rated voltage
of the system is 24 Volts.
Periodically recheck (4-6 months) the levels of
acid and optionally restore them to
using distilled water suitable for use with
Lead batteries.
6.5 Motor oil
The engine is equipped with a safety system
which prevents start-up if the oil level is below
the minimum allowed.
Do not check the oil level before 5 seconds
have passed since stopping the engine.
Remove the engine bonnet.
Remove the oil dipstick, recognisable by the
yellow end.
Clean the dipstick and put it back into the slot.
Check the level at the next extraction. If
necessary, add oil.
See the technical specifications for the type
of motor oil.
To change motor oil, in any case remove the
oil dipstick.
Unscrew the oil drain plug at the bottom of the
engine. Collect the used oil in a suitably sized
tray placed under the machine.
When all the oil has drained, screw the drain
plug back on and fill with motor oil.
Close the oil filler hole.
Wait at least 5 minutes.
Check the motor oil level.
6.6 Air Filter
Remove the engine bonnet.
Unscrew the wing nut.
Remove the filter cartridge, check it and clean it.
Insert the clean cartridge or a new cartridge into
the suction container.