Print Options
Page Order
for front-to-back output or
for back-to-front output.
Page Range
All/Even/Odd/Range (1-3, 5, 7)
Specify which pages of the document to
print. To print a contiguous page range,
specify the first and last page numbers of
the range separated by a hyphen. To print
non-contiguous pages, specify the page
numbers using commas as separators.
For more information, see page A-7.
Paper Size
Letter/A4/11 x 17/A3/12x18/Legal/
Legal 13/B4/B5/A6/SEF Letter/
SEF A4/SEF B5/SEF 8x10/8x10/9x11/
9x12/Docupac/Custom 1/Custom 2/
Custom 3
Specify the size of the paper on which to
print the document. Custom paper sizes
can be defined with Mac OS or
Windows 95 computers using the Adobe
PostScript Printer Driver provided with
your Fiery ZX user software.
For instructions on how to define custom
paper sizes, see Chapters 2 and 3.
Paper Source
Auto Select/Tray 1/Tray 2/Tray 3/
Bypass Tray
Specify the source for the media on
which to print the job.
For more information, see page A-7.
Pure Black Text/Graphics
Printer’s Default/Off/On
to print black text and graphics
as a four-color black using C, M, Y, and
K toner, and to use normal PostScript
rendering. Select On to print black text
and graphics as one-color black using
100% black toner only.
If this option is set to On, Compression
must be set to On.
See the Color Guide for more
Rendering Style
Photographic/Presentation/Solid Color
Specify a color rendering dictionary
(CRD) to be used when you print RGB
images, objects, and text.
The Color Mode option must be set to
CMYK. The Rendering Style option has
no effect on CMYK data.
See page A-7 and the Color Guide for
more information.
RGB Source
Printer’s Default/EFIRGB/sRGB (PC)/
Apple Standard/Other/Off
Specify a source color space definition for
printing RGB images, objects, and text.
See page A-8 and the Color Guide for
more information.
Save Fast Reprint
Specify whether or not to save a job’s
raster data to disk after printing, so the
data will be available later for reprinting
(without reRIPping).
If this option is set to On, Compression
must be set to On.
Option and settings:
(Default setting is underlined)
Requirements, constraints,
and information:
Содержание ZX-40
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