Installing system software through a USB flash drive
To install system software with a USB flash drive attached to the E100, you need the
following items:
• USB Prep Tool CD (included in the E100 service kit)
• CD or DVD containing the service software to be loaded (included in the E100 service
• USB 2.0 flash drive (
not provided
). If the drive has a write-protection feature, make sure
that write-protection is switched off. The drive must have a minimum capacity of 5GB.
Not all USB 2.0 flash drives are validated for use with the E100. If the drive that you are
using does not work, try another brand.
• Any PC (
not provided
) with:
Windows Vista (32- or 64-bit), or Windows XP with Service Pack 2 or later
CD or DVD drive, built-in or attached
Support for USB 2.0
(USB 1.1 may work, but it will be very slow.)
256MB of available memory