Operating instructions WPM Gateway IoT
Disclaimer of liability
FIBRO GMBH guarantees the described function of the product as stated in advertising and
product information.
Further product properties are not confirmed. FIBRO GMBH assumes no liability for efficiency
and flawless functioning if the product is used for a purpose other than the one addressed in the
chapter “Proper use”. Compensation for damage is generally precluded.
If this product is used in environments for which it is not suitable or which do not fulfil the tech-
nical standards, FIBRO GMBH shall not be held responsible for the consequences.
FIBRO GMBH assumes no liability for damage to facilities and systems near the product caused
by a defect in the product or an error in these instructions.
FIBRO GMBH is not responsible for the violation of patents and/or the rights of third parties out-
side of the Federal Republic of Germany.
FIBRO GMBH is not responsible for damage caused by improper operation and failure to follow
the instructions provided in this document.
FIBRO GMBH is not liable for lost profit and subsequent damage resulting from failure to comply
with safety and warning notes.
The products from FIBRO GMBH are state of the art in science and technology.
FIBRO GMBH continually conducts studies of the products and the market in order to continu-
ally improve and further develop its products.
Purpose of the document
These instructions describe the operation of the product and contain important information on
correct use.
Read these instructions before working on or with the product. The instructions contain import-
ant information for your personal safety. All persons who work on or with the product at some
phase in the product’s life must read and understand the instructions.
The instructions must be available at the location where the product is used and throughout its
entire lifespan. They must be given to the new owner if the product is sold.
The safety notes in the individual chapters must be observed.
These instructions and the other applicable documents are not subject to an automatic change
We reserve the right to make changes to the data and figures mentioned in these instructions
due to technical developments. FIBRO GMBH can supply the current issue.
Target group
These instructions are oriented towards persons who commission, configure, operate and main-
tain the product WPM Gateway.