Im Zwiesel 8
D-92318 Neumarkt/ OPf.
T49 (0) 9181 23 89 01 99
Telefax +49 (0) 9181 23 89 01 50
info@fi balon.com · www.fi balon.com
Universal pre-filter for
your skimmer
1. Open the skimmer cover
2. Remove the skimmer basket
3. Remove the dirt and place FIBALON®skimmy
in the filter baskets
4. Insert the basket with FIBALON®skimmy into the
5. Close the skimmer cover
For reuse, please remove carefully the skimmer basket
from the skimmer and, for example, wash
FIBALON®skimmy in a bucket of clean water. For this
purpose, you can easily squeeze the net. Afterwards
put the net and filter material back into the basket.
Also usable without
skimmer basket
FIBALON®skimmy is also the ideal solution for damaged
skimmer baskets. For this purpose, please use our
specially developed and designed V4A- stainless steel
mesh. The stainless steel mesh also ensures, that the
filter material is optimal arranged to improve the
filtration performance.
For more information (e.g. information regarding
EU-Biocides-Regulation) see www.fibalon.com.
Polymer fiber filter
Swimming Pool
Ø 5,51 inch