Safety regulations for working with high
High-Voltage System
When performing repairs that directly involve or imply possible
contact with live high-voltage components/systems, the
technician must ensure that the power supply of the high-
voltage system is disconnected throughout the operation.
Only specifically trained staff qualified to perform repairs on
vehicles with high-voltage systems under current national laws/
regulations are authorised to work on the vehicle.
Before performing any repair/diagnosis on vehicle, carefully
read and comply with the general instructions for working in
safety on hybrid/electric vehicles and use suitable general
equipment and personal protective equipment (PPE).
Failure to follow all these warnings could result in personal injury,
such as burns, shock or fatal injury.
Before performing any diagnostic or service procedures, read and
follow all applicable safety procedures in the presence of high
voltage. Carry out the vehicle safety procedure by cutting off the
power supply of the high-voltage battery before carrying out any
repair directly involving components or wiring of the high-voltage
system or operating in close proximity to them which could imply
potential contact.
3. Safety regulations for working with
high voltages