Commissioning with the FCT
Festo – EXCM-10/-30-...-E-EN – 1612b – English
Creating a new project
After you have installed and started the FCT, you can create a new project as follows.
1. Select in the [Project] menu the entry [New].
2. In the dialogue “New Project - Project Characteristics”, assign a name and a title to your project. You
can optionally also write a project description.
3. Confirm your inputs with the “OK” button.
4. In the [Component Selection] dialogue, select the component “EXCM” via the project tree.
5. Assign a component name and select the desired version.
6. Confirm your inputs with the “OK” button.
Component settings
For commissioning the controller, specifications and settings are required for the components involved.
The corresponding tab and pages are selected in the work space of the FCT.
The following points merely describe the minimum required settings to operate a planar
surface gantry with the controller.
For information on further settings, use the plug-in Help via menu [Help] [Contents of
installed plug-ins] [Festo] [EXCM].
1. Select the size of the planar surface gantry.
2. Specify the path of the working space, dependent on the size.
EXCM-10: Working space in the direction of the X-axis
EXCM-30: Working space in the direction of the X- and Y-axis
3. Make specifications on the motor brake and motor position.
Control interface
Select the control interface and enter additional interface parameters, if necessary.
Digital I/O (no additional settings required)
Select the bit rate
Specify the node number (range of values 1 … 127, default: 1)
Control via Ethernet (CVE)
Determine the port, if necessary (range of values 1 … 65535, default: 49700)
System of measurement units
Choose a coordinate system by determining the position of the axis zero point
2.7 Measuring reference system).
Specify the project zero point and the SW end positions (positive/negative) of both axes