Festo – CPX-E-PB-EN – 2017-07 – English
Device description file
The bus module is planned and designed in the control software of the higher-order controller using a device
description file (GSD file). This file contains all the information required for parameterising the system CPX-E using
controller software (such as Siemens STEP 7).
The device description file is available at the Festo Support Portal
Control commands
The control commands FREEZE, SYNC and CLEAR_DATA are supported by system CPX-E according to PROFIBUS
specification IEC 61158. Calling this command depends on the network interface used.
The control commands FREEZE and/or SYNC are reset automatically for:
Activation/deactivation of system CPX-E
Stop of the network interface
Only the control command FREEZE is reset automatically in case of:
Network connection to system CPX-E interrupted (if response monitoring is activated)
All inputs of system CPX-E are “frozen” and system CPX-E sends a constant image of all inputs to the master.
Foreach additional FREEZE command, the input image is updated and reset to the master. The control command
UNFREEZE returns the system to normal operation.
All outputs of system CPX-E are “frozen” and, from now on, system CPX-E no longer react to output image changes
in the master. For each additional SYNC command, the output image is assumed in an updated form. The control
command UNSYNC returns the system to normal operation.
All outputs of system CPX-E is reset.
Identification & Maintenance (I&M)
The “Identification & Maintenance” (I&M) function acts as an electronic product label for the bus module and
provides standardised, non-proprietary access to device-related information about the network.
Functions I&M0 … I&M4 are supported by bus module CPX-E-PB.