Connection status [LA X1], [LA X2]
LED (green)
No network connection.
Check network connection.
Network connection OK.
Data traffic activity.
Network connection OK.
No data traffic.
Tab. 26 LED connection status [LA X1], [LA X2]
Diagnostics via EtherCAT
The availability of diagnostic information via the EtherCAT network depends on the parameterisation.
Diagnostics via SDO access
Diagnostic information can be requested from the higher-order controller through SDO access
Diagnostics via diagnostics history
The diagnostic messages of the EtherCAT Interface are stored in the diagnostic history. Via the dia-
gnostic object 0x10F3 (from subindex 6) the last 250 diagnostic messages of the EtherCAT interface
can be displayed
An error message referenced with a code is displayed for every event (warning, error, information).
The diagnostic messages are translated using the device description file (ESI file) and can be read
from the controller software in this way.
Operating modes of diagnostic messages
There are two operating modes for handling diagnostic messages. The operating mode can be defined
via object 0x10F3 (subindex 5, bit 4):
Overwrite Mode:
When the number of diagnostic messages reaches 250, old diagnostic messages are overwritten.
Acknowledge Mode:
A diagnostic message must first be acknowledged before it can be overwritten with a new dia-
gnostic message. When the number of unacknowledged diagnostic messages reaches 250, new
diagnostic messages will not be saved and will be lost.
Diagnostics and Fault Clearance
Festo — CPX-AP-I-EC-M12 — 2019-11