Produce Quality Meter
Out of the box
Scan button
Power button Directional keys
Micro USB connection
SD card
Use your F-750 Produce Quality Meter to
measure the contents of brix or Total Soluble
Solids (TSS), Dry Matter, Titratable Acidity,
internal color, external color, and many other
user-selectable traits in a range of materials
and commodities.
Your F-750 comes with pre-programmed
demo models for:
• Apples
• Grapes
• Kiwi
• Mandarins
• Mangoes
• Pears
• Persimmons
Try these models to familiarize yourself
with the F-750 and to begin making relative
measurements right out of the box.
For precise measurements, create a custom
model using the Quick-Start Guide: Model
Building procedure on the following page.