background image



Please remove the batteries before upgrading ,  make sure that 

the connection to the computer is done by the USB connector


Firmware upgrade And Parameter Configuration Connection Diagram

The gimbal can execute the operations mentioned below :

The  Mini-USB terminal of the USB cable plug into the function interface , the USB terminal plug into 

the USB connector. Please make sure that the connection to the computer is done by the USB connector.

Batteries Charging Connection Diagram

Battery Charging

The Mini-USB terminal of the USB cable plug into the Mini-USB interface on the charger, and the 

USB terminal plug to the power adapter


 if needed connect to the EN Connector.


The battery charging must using the method mentioned below


If any comments or suggestions please do not hesitate 

to e-mail us directly : 

[email protected]

FY-G4 is suitable for GoPro 4/GroPro 3+/GroPro 3, also can be compatible 

with GoPro LCD backpack and the cameras with the same size




USB Cable

USB Cable

USB Connector


Power Adapter

Power Adapter

European Standard 


Please visit the official website of Feiyu Tech: to download the USB driver, firmware upgrade software and the 

latest firmware then unzip the RAR file.Remove the batteries and refer to the connection diagram to connect the gimbal with the 

computer.Please refer to the manual of update operation to upgrading,otherwise the Gimbal will be abnormal. 

The heading follow speed can be configurate through parameter setting software.User can adjust to the desired following speed mode 

according to the requirements of filming scene. Three modes for optional: “SLOW” mode, “NORMAL” mode , “FAST” mode.  

Default setting is “NORMAL” mode. 

The Gimbal attitude can be calibrated through parameter setting software. User can adjust the pitch  and roll in a small angle to achieve 

more accuracy filming scene.Please insert the batteries then  refer to the connection diagram to connect the gimbal with the computer 

for caliration. 

Firmware Upgrade Instruction

Parameters Configuration

Gimbal Calibration

Charging Mode


Connection Mode


Attention : Please make sure that the connection to the computer is done by the USB connector.

Please visit the official website of Feiyu Tech 
to get related information:

Attention : Please make sure that the connection to the computer is done by the USB connector.

Attention : Please make sure that the connection to the computer is done by the USB connector.
