Guilin Feiyu Technology Incorporated Company
Guilin Feiyu Technology Incorporated Company
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G360 Gimbal Firmware Upgrade
Manual For Mac OSX
1.Please put the battery in before firmware upgrade.
2.The upgrade software and USB driver are compatible with the Mac OSX.
3.Please do the operations step by step strictly.
4.If you want to check current firmware version,please execute step 1-7.
1. Download the latest firmware ,update software and the USB driver from
our official website:www.feiyu-tech.com, Unzip them for further usage.
2.Double click on “ USB Driver for Mac.dmg ” to get “ Silicon Labs VCP
Driver.pkg”.Double click it to install the USB driver,and finish it step by step .
3.Please put the battery in, and refer the following connection diagram,
connect the USB cable with USB port of Mac and the gimbal.
The indicator on the handle of gimbal is solid red now.
Please keep the gimbal off until step 7.