© Copyright 2018 Fluid Equipment Development Company | www.fedco-usa.com
Installation Procedures Continued
All HPB and safety precautions must be fol
lowed to prevent physical injury to the operator.
It is illegal to operate the equipment in an EU
member state if the manual(s) is not written in
that states language. Contact FEDCO if a trans-
lated copy is needed.
A hydraulic pressure booster (HPB) is a pres
sure-generating device with rotating parts that
can be hazardous. Any device containing gener
ated pressure can rupture, explode or discharge
its contents if it is sufficiently over-pressurized
and may possibly result in personal injury, prop
erty damage, environmental damage and death.
All necessary precautions must be exercised
to insure over-pressurization does not occur.
FEDCO will not accept responsibility for physical
injury, damage or delays caused by a failure to
observe the instructions in this manual.
Installation, operation or maintenance of the
booster unit in any manner which is not covered
in this manual could cause damage to the equip-
ment, serious injury or death. This includes any
modification to the equipment or the use of parts
not provided by FEDCO. If there is a question
regarding the intended use of the equipment,
please contact a FEDCO representative before
Do not use the equipment for a different applica
tion than originally specified without the approval
of a FEDCO representative.
FEDCO boosters are not intended for flam
mable or hazardous liquids. Solutions intended
for human consumption need proper purification
per product. FEDCO approval will be needed to
control slurry and particle size for this specific
User Health and Safety
Safety equipment and PPE (Personal Pro-
tection Equipment) should be used in accor
dance with company regulations.
In the Work Area
• Always keep the work area clean and dry.
• Avoid all electrical dangers. Be aware
of risks from electric shock or arc flash
Utilize adequate lifting equipment and
Booster Installation Requirements
A rigid mounting surface is required for the
hydraulic booster assembly in order to prolong
the life of critical components. Mounting sur-
faces constructed of wood or other non-rigid
materials are NOT acceptable as they may
deflect during operation. All anchoring fasten
ers used should meet or exceed manufactur-
ers specifications. All units must be mounted
on one of three types of substrates:
• concrete foundation.
container with a suitable steel