© Copyright 2018 Fluid Equipment Development Company | www.fedco-usa.com
Basic Troubleshooting
If the booster does not operate properly, refer to the following troubleshooting charts as a guide
to determining the concern and identifying the potential cause. If after consulting the trouble
shooting charts the cause is still undefined, contact FEDCO technical support by e-mail
([email protected]), telephone or fax. FEDCO will give you easy, step by step instruc
tions on how to proceed.
Visual Inspection
• Make sure all items are accounted for on
the start up check list.
Inspect all high pressure booster piping.
Inspect the booster mountings for signs of
any movement or vibration.
• Inspect pressure gauges, switches and all
other instrumentation for proper operation.
Record any unusual readings.
Figure 23 -
HPB Basic Visual Inspection
Air Vented from System ?
Sufficient Output Pressure ?
Booster Leaking ?
Sufficient Input Pressure ?
Inlet Restrictions ?
Loose Mountings or
Signs of Movement ?
Discharge Restrictions ?
Inlet Piping Leaks ?