Operating Guide for Fcar Code
Fcar F502 EOBD/OBDII Code Reader User’s Manual
The publication is designed only for the use of FCAR products, and any organization or
individual shall not reproduce and back up this Guide in any form (in electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording forms or other forms) without the written
permission of FCAR Company.
The use of the guide is exclusive to professional auto repairing and maintenance
The Guide only provides operating method of FCAR products, and FCAR shall not be liable
for any possible consequence of the use of this method that is applied to other equipment.
FCAR shall not be liable for accidents arising from the use of the purchaser himself or the
third party, damages to the equipment due to the purchaser’s incorrect use, misuse or
private modification, repairing or operations and maintenance requirements that are
inconsistent with the Guide, and fees and expense for the loss.
The Guide is based on the current specifications and functions of the product. If the new
specifications and functions are added to the product, there will be corresponding
changes in the Guide without further notice.
FCAR has been registered its trademark throughout the world, with the logo as
In countries where any of the FCAR trademarks, service marks, domain names, logos and
company names, etc. are not registered, FCAR claims that it still has ownership of
non-registered trademarks, service marks, domain names, logos and company names etc.
Other products or company names, logos, service marks etc. referred to in the Guide still
belong to their respective owners. Anyone, without the written permission from the
owners of the applicable trademarks, service marks, domain names, logos or company
names etc., shall not use any trademarks, service marks, domain names, and logos of
FCAR Company or other companies designated by FCAR Company.
Fcar Series Product Operating Guide
Before using FCAR F3 series product, please read the Guide carefully.
The Guide is based on the current specifications and functions of the product. If the new