3 Protocol description
15-04-2016 13 7000.05052
Protocol description
Entries in the object dictionary can be written or read using the protocol services.
The services defined for the RS232 and USB interfaces are based on the CANopen services,
but tailored to the characteristics of the RS232 interface.
In CiA 301, the CiA (CAN in Automation) defines the following aspects:
Communications structure
Control and monitoring functions
The CiA 402 CANopen defines the drive device profiles for a range of device classes.
Simultaneous access to the drive both from the RS232 side and also from the USB
interface is supported. Messages received via either interface are stored in a common
wait queue and are processed sequentially (FIFO). The drive issues the acknowledgement
to the same interface.
Each request from the host is concluded with an acknowledgement by the drive. The
maximum number of requests buffered in the drive is limited. If no further requests
can be added to the buffered queue, an appropriate message is sent and the request
is discarded.
Telegram structure
A binary protocol with messages of variable length is used for communication via the USB
and RS232 interfaces.
Tab. 1: Schematic structure of a USB/RS232 telegram
1st byte
Character (S) as Start of Frame
2nd byte
User data length
Telegram length without SOF/EOF (packet length)
3rd byte
Node number
Node number of the slave (0 = Broadcast)
4th: byte
Command code
5th – Nth byte
Data area (length = packet length – 4)
(N+1). byte
CRC8 with polynomial 0xD5 over byte 2–N
(N+2). byte
Character (E) as End of Frame
Telegram errors (e. g. CRC error, wrong length, invalid command codes) are not reported
back. The node number of the message that is received, especially in the event of CRC
errors, cannot be determined unambiguously. The telegram remains unanswered and
after the time-out the master must send the request again.
The characters SOF and EOF are no longer shown in the following description. Only the
byte in between are shown, so byte 1 is actually the 2nd byte. Bytes in the overall
telegram frame.
Frame length
The length of the overall frame incl. the SOF and EOF is the user data 2 bytes.
The user data length is limited to 62 bytes.