1st edition, 17-09-2020
7000.05070, 1st edition, 17-09-2020
Product description
Product description
General product description
The AEMT-12/16 L series encoder is a magnetic multiturn absolute encoder.
The encoder provides the absolute angle information within one revolution (singleturn
position) and the current revolution count (multiturn count). The absolute position, relative
to the entire drive system, can be determined from the multiturn count and the singleturn
The encoder is connected to a main power supply (5 V) as well as a backup battery or alter-
native energy storage. If the main power supply is switched off, the backup battery will still
provide the encoder with enough energy to detect motor revolutions and increment or
decrement the multiturn count accordingly. This way, when switching on the main supply
again, the count is still valid. A new reference run is not necessary. The backup battery is
not part of the encoder, and must be connected externally.
In combination with brushless DC-servomotors, the AEMT-12/16 L delivers absolute angle
information with a multiturn resolution of 16 bits and a singleturn resolution of 12 bits for
commutation, speed control and motion control. This position data can be queried by a SSI
Interface with BiSS-C Protocol. The interface is designed differentially and is based on the
RS422 standard.
The multiturn count can be reset on the hardware side via an additional interface pin (pre-
set) by a voltage pulse during start-up.
Product information
Fig. 1:
Designation key
Singleturn resolution
Line Driver
Absolute encoder
Multiturn resolution